Miramistin, instructions for use

Miramistin, instructions for use

Due to its antibacterial properties, Miramistin is well fighting dermatitis, irritations and suppurations. That is why it has a very wide range of application: from obstetrics and gynecology to dentistry. Whatever the doctor prescribes it, before use it is better to read the instructions.

Composition, the action of Miramistin

Miramistin is a solution for local use sold in bottles of 50, 150 and 500 ml. It includes gasyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate and water.

The main quality of Miramistin is an antibacterial effect in relation to different pathogens:

  • many types of bacteria;
  • various types of fungi;
  • viruses, including complicated;
  • iPPP causative agents.

Miramistin copes well with wounds and burns, as it enhances the processes of regeneration and protection. In the fight against pus, the absorbing effect helps him. It is also worthwhile to write down the fact that it does not have a negative effect on viable skin cells and regional epithelization. It follows that it does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies (except in cases of intolerance to the main active substance).

Indications and contraindications to Miramistin

The list of cases in which Miramistin is used is very long:

  1. Surgery - in the treatment of damage to the skin, accompanied by suppuration.
  2. Gynecology and obstetrics - treatment of various consequences of childbirth: wounds, suppuration, infections, as well as against diseases of the reproductive system (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, uterus, etc.).
  3. Burn medicine - treatment of various burns, in front of skin plastic.
  4. Dermatology - treatment and prevention of various diseases of the skin and mucous membrane.
  5. Urology - participates in the treatment of various inflammations of the urethra.
  6. Dentistry - treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity occurring with inflammation and suppuration. Disinfection of removable prostheses.
  7. Otolaryngology - participates in the treatment of various inflammations of the ear, nasal mucosa, palatine tonsils, etc.
  8. It is used in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

There are no contraindications for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Miramistin cannot be used only if you are allergic to the main active substance.
Side effects include various allergic reactions and burning, which will pass in half a minute.

Method of application and dosage of Miramistin

The method of use depends on what purpose you use Miramistin:

  • With various skin injuries, moisten damaged areas, use gauze dressings with the drug. The procedures are carried out 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.
  • For the prevention of postpartum infection, make vaginal irrigation of drugs a week before childbirth.
  • It is used in the processing of the vagina and uterus before, during cesarean section and after it - by entering tampons saturated with Miramistin for two hours. Repeat the procedure daily for a week.
  • In the treatment of postpartum infections, therapy lasts two weeks using the introduction of a swab soaked in the drug, or electrophoresis using the drug.
  • In the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, enter 2 ml of substance into the urethra for several minutes, and also process the hips, pubis and genitals to them.
  • For the treatment of inflammation of the urethra, to inject 2-3 ml of Miramistin into the urethra in the morning and evening for ten days.
  • With purulent sinusitis, rinse the sinusum abundantly Miramistin.
  • With tonsillitis, pharyngitis and inflammation of the larynx, bandage the throat Miramistin three times a day (10-15 ml of the drug per rinse), and irrigate with the nozzle, pressing it 3-4 times. Children are irrigated with a sprayer, small-with one press, adolescents-two, adults-three or four.
  • For diseases of the oral cavity, rinse it with Miramistin four times a day.

Despite the relatively high price of Miramistin, it is an excellent medicine due to its high antimicrobial activity, effectiveness against various viruses and a convenient spray nozzle. He has almost no contraindications, so most likely this tool is suitable for you to treat any disease.

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