Hawthorn counts medicine, contributing right work hearts, vessels and other organs v organism man. Doctors recommend medicine how for prevention, so and for treatment row diseases. but, accept hawthorn allowed far not all and v limited quantities.
Pharmacologicalaction Hawthorn
Hawthorn contains huge lots of elements, capable relieve organism from spasms and wrong work hearts. except togo they soothe nervous system and improve circulation.
Also medicine maybe reduce cholesterol before necessary level, improve work lipid and relieve organism from harmful substances.
Medical a drug release v different species:
- tincture, cooked from fruit hawthorn with addition ethyl alcohol;
- melko ground, dried up seeds hawthorn v special packages;
- pills.
Indicationsto applying hawthorn
Hawthorn doctors recommend use v total with other medical drugs at presence such diseases, how:
- Arrhythmia and tachycardia (disorganization work hearts and heart vessels).
- Multiple vascular diseases.
- Violation arterial pressure v primary stage.
- Disorders sleep.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Offensive klimaksa w. women.
- Notright work shield glands.
Instructionon applying hawthorn
Before how go to use hawthorn v anyone his form recommended consult with attending doctor. V addiction from diseases patient, doctor assign permissible norm reception drug.
- Hawthorn v liquid video accept per 30 minutes before full reception food. V cup with boiled water add 1 c..l.. liquid extract. Accept follow not more 2-3 once v day.
- Tincture hawthorn dosage 20 drops dilution v stachen boiled water, use 3-4 times v day.
- A drug v video tablet accept not more 3 once v day on 1 tablet. Wash down medicine water not necessary, his necessary keep in rTU before full souring.
Application of the hawthornv period pregnancy
Women v period pregnancy and breast feeding necessary strictly follow recommendations doctor. except togo use hawthorn v anyone his video without consultation specialist maybe to be extreme dangerous.
Allowed accept a drug v video additions v various useful decorations v notbig quantity. But necessary understand, what use hawthorn maybe cut number milk, produced v period lactation.
Notright usage attending funds maybe lead to heavy consequences, night before miscarriage.
Contraindicationsto applying hawthorn
- Persons not reached 18-summer age.
- Availability allergic reactions on substances, containing v medicine.
- Women, passing period pregnancy and breast feeding.
- Availability diseases head brain and liver.
The article is informative, before applying, be sure to consult your doctor.