Diclofenac, instructions for use

Diclofenac, instructions for use

Diclofenac has painkillers and anti-inflammatory, as well as antimorronic and antipyretic properties. It refers to a large group of non-steroidal (non-coronal) anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Pharmacalological properties Diclofenac

The effect of diclofenac is based on blocking the action of chemicals in the body, namely enzymes, called cyclooxygenase (COW). COW provoke the production of foremeadines, which are formed on injured or damaged areas. Accordingly, the number of prostaglandins decreases when blocking COW, and pain and edema decrease.

Diclofenac ducts

There are two forms of diclofenac - diclofenac sodium and potassium diclofenac. The main difference between them is that the diclofenac of potassium penetrates the body much faster than sodium diclofenac. Fast action is useful for removing acute painful sensations, and the prolonged action of sodium diclofenac is recommended for inflammation. Produced in various dosage forms: in the form of rectal candles, solutions for injection, gels, ointments, tablets, eye drops, and even patches.

Indications for the use of diclofenac

Diclofenac is used to treat such painful states as arthritis, gout, stretching and dislocation, migraine, dental pain and postoperative pain. Andexit, muscular pain, conjunctivitis, Malgy, rheumatism and lumbago - this is an incomplete list of diseases under which diclofenac is used.

Contraindications to diclofenac

With caution, you need to use any forms of diclofenac in cardiovascular diseases, as well as people with a tolerated infarction or stroke. In this case, other drugs are suitable. Contraindicated reception with the hypersensitivity of the body, childhood (up to six years), in the last trimension of pregnancy, as well as with ulcer of the stomach. The restrictions on the use of diclofenac is pregnancy in the first two trimesters and the lactation period, also disorders in the field of liver and kidneys. When performing actions requiring increased concentration and attention should also limit its reception.

How to take diclofenac and its dosage

Before receiving, be sure to explore the instructions. Follow the accurate dosage that is indicated by the attending physician. After all, the dose of the drug depends on the severity of the disease and on the state of each particular patient. It is necessary to take it immediately after eating, and drinking it with milk (if there are no contraindications) it is possible to reduce its harmful effects on the walls of the stomach.

Different diclofenac forms imply a variety of applications. Dispersed tablets must be dissolved in a small amount of water.

Inside: for adults, the dosage can be from 25 to 150 mg of the drug for several separate receptions during the day. The prolonged action of the retard form Diclofenac involves the reception of the tablet once a day. For children and adolescents, over 6 years of age, the dose is calculated based on the formula: 2 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight per day. Moreover, the retard-forms of children under 14 are contraindicated.

Rectally: on one candle (50 mg) 1-2 times a day.

Ointment and gels: carefully rub a small amount (3-5 g) in joints or muscles 3-4 times a day.

Eye drops: one drop under the eyelid, 2-4 times a day.

Side Effects Diclofenac

Disorder of the stomach, heartburn, diarrhea, pain in the stomach and intestines. Difficulty breathing, allergic reactions, urticaria, itching. With the proper use and observance of the dosage, the risk of such effects is minimal.

Before taking diclofenac as well as any other drugs, be sure to consult your doctor.

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