  • Health
    Today, our food leaves much to be desired, because to greatly regret, in the diet of each modern person there is a mass of harmful components, including dyes, nutritional supplements, additives of taste, etc.
    05.05.2019 276 0
  • Health
    Each body in our body is responsible for certain functions, and if some of them come into disrepair or some problems happened to him.
    25.03.2019 323 0
  • Health
    Mukaltin is a good expectorant drug that is taken to relieve cough. The Mukaltina active substance helps to reduce activity in foci of inflammation, stimulates the function of the sebaceous glands, contributes to the discharge of the bronchial secret.
    19.02.2019 280 1
  • Food and Drinks
    The hawthorn is considered one of the most useful fruits. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.
    29.11.2018 267 0
  • Health
    The drug citrate refers to the group of analgesics with a wide range of action. It is taken as antipyretic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent.
    22.07.2018 286 0
  • Pregnancy
    How to take duphaston depends directly from the diagnosis, which is supplied to the woman, and what exactly needs to be adjusted to the drug.
    26.06.2018 681 0
  • Health
    Such a well-known and very budgetary means, such as a license or ointment of Vishnevsky, has long been used in the treatment of many diseases - from dermatologic to diseases of the ENT organs.
    28.03.2018 517 0
  • Preparations
    Glycine is a medical preparation that has a positive effect on the nervous system. Prescribed it for the most part neuropathologists.
    21.03.2018 392 0
  • Medicine
    The operation of the gastrointestinal tract in the conditions of the pancreatic enzyme deficit is often disturbed.
    24.02.2018 425 0
  • Health
    Medical antiseptics, to which mormistine and chlorhexidine include, are used to perform the most different tasks.
    24.02.2018 490 0
  • Health
    Papillomas are native growths that contain vessels. They are not dangerous for life, but spoil the aesthetic appearance of human skin.
    11.02.2018 671 1
  • Health
    The bumps from injections can deliver not only unpleasant sensations and discomfort. When contacting a damaged place, patients are often experienced in unbearable pain.
    11.02.2018 325 0
  • Health
    Tuberculosis can be called the Chumay of the XXI century, but on time the detected pathology gives back to rapid treatment. Diskintest is a modern way to determine the presence of koche sticks in the body.
    09.02.2018 308 0
  • Diseases
    Pain syndrome is able to seriously disrupt the overall human well-being. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of analgesizing drugs both aimed and integrated effects.
    06.02.2018 440 0
  • Health
    Riboxin is an indispensable drug for the treatment of many diseases. For many years, this is a completely simple and inexpensive medicine allows you to cure many serious diseases associated not only with the cardiovascular system, but also with other diseases, as well as the drug helps in the postoperative period.
    26.01.2018 444 0
  • Medicine
    The ointment of the Vishnevsky or balsamic line (in Vishnevsky) is an effective and affordable disinfectant, which is widely used since 1927.
    24.01.2018 436 0
  • Health
    Every day, pharmaceuticals offers new and new means to combat various kinds of illness and lesions.
    22.01.2018 373 0
  • Preparations
    It is impossible to completely protect yourself from sudden pain syndrome. Therefore, if the pain caught you surprise and greatly worsens well-being, an anesthetic can be accepted.
    21.01.2018 313 0
  • Medicine
    Calcium is the most important mineral that takes part in the formation of bone tissue. It comes into the body with dairy products, some vegetables and dried fruits.
    03.12.2017 658 1
  • Vitamins
    Amber Acid has a multitude of useful properties. In the human body, it is produced in mitochondria (a daily organism produces about 200 g of this substance).
    11.11.2017 403 0
  • Health
    Timely and competent therapy is one of the most important components of successful treatment. Effective anti-inflammatory, painful and antibacterial agent for external use is Dimexide.
    07.11.2017 401 0
  • Medicine
    Bifiform is a modern probiotic in the form of white capsules, which is an excellent assistant in the normalization of the intestinal work.
    04.11.2017 374 0
  • Health
    The zinc ointment has a unique and harmless composition, so very popular in medicine. It is effective in the treatment of various diseases and it costs a penny.
    29.10.2017 665 0
  • Preparations
    Grape seed oil recently becomes increasingly popular. Valuable fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamins in its composition will be useful to you in many situations.
    22.10.2017 366 0
  • Medicine
    The change in blood viscosity is one of the causes of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. In order to prevent all people with elevated blood, drugs prescribe preparations that contribute to its discharge.
    06.10.2017 392 2
  • Health
    The antibacterial agent Flexin contains an amoxicillin active in itself. This is an antibiotic designed specifically for children.
    21.09.2017 349 0
  • Vitamins
    Beer yeast - now a very popular biologically active additive. Take it to satisfy your body with useful minerals if they want to lose weight or gain weight.
    19.09.2017 413 0
  • Medicine
    Preparations based on the root of Valerians are among the safe and efficient sedatives. Valerian tablets are prescribed to people who collided with insomnia, nervous overwork, stress.
    16.09.2017 395 0
  • Stomach, intestine
    Hilak Forte is a drug, a drop of light yellow with an acidic smell. Hilak Forte is used to restore the intestinal microflora equilibrium.
    13.09.2017 392 0
  • Health
    Gastal is a medicine that helps eliminate heartburn and pain in the stomach with increased acidity of gastric juice.
    05.09.2017 379 0
  • Health
    The effect of fish oil on the development of the body is generally indisputable. Fish fat is universally sold in pharmacy points in capsules and in the form of an oil in a dark glass bubble.
    03.09.2017 374 0
  • Health
    Taurine is the most important amino acid in our organism. It stands out in many organs and reaches its concentration in the muscles of the heart, in the brain and spinal cord, eyes and kidneys, as well as other muscles throughout the body.
    03.09.2017 423 0
  • Health
    Probably, each person knows that with heat you need to drink a tablet aspirin. Many do it, without even thinking about the entire spectrum of the action of this drug, its consequences and contraindications.
    01.09.2017 415 0
  • Vitamins
    Very often, immersed with heads in working days, we do not pay attention to drowsiness, dizziness, general weakness and write off all these symptoms on chronic fatigue.
    13.08.2017 511 1
  • Health
    Diarrhea is an unpleasant disease associated with a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. Each person has its effective methods for dealing with diarrhea.
    30.07.2017 437 0
  • Health
    Emoxipin or other name methyl ethylpyridinol is a medicine for the eyes, and it treats different diseases (hyperopia, myopia of cataract, glaucoma, eye injury).
    27.07.2017 443 0
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