How to take valerian tablets

How to take valerian tablets

Preparations based on the root of Valerians are among the safe and efficient sedatives. Valerian tablets are prescribed to people who collided with insomnia, nervous overwork, stress. How to take these pills to get a positive result? Consider detailed instructions for the drug.

Valerian in Tablets: Composition and main properties of the drug

Tablets besides the main component - dry extract Valerian - may contain additional substances. In different manufacturers, their list may differ, but most often in pills there are silicon dioxide, punching R4, copovidon, talc, dyes.

Valerian in tablets is a medicinal sedative. In addition, it has a positive effect in spasms from the urogenital and digestive systems. It is often assigned as a hypotensive agent.

The sedative effect begins to appear gradually and keeps enough long. Esters of Valerians, as well as representatives of the alkaloid group - Khotyn and Valerine, have such an oppressive effect on the nervous system.

When Valerian tablets are shown

The spectrum of indications for the use of valerian is not limited to the instruction. Therefore, before using the tablets, you need a consultation of the doctor.

Valerian extract is often prescribed in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, since it is able to expand coronary vessels. In addition, Valerian helps to overcome the migraine, improves bile outflow. However, the main reasons for the purpose of the drug serve:

  • stressful condition;
  • the excitation of the nervous system;
  • insomnia;
  • light violations of the cardiovascular system;
  • migreen pain;
  • vegeta dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with digestion.

Current contraindications and possible complications

There are no serious contraindications from Valerians, but it is better to abandon the means with a strong sensitivity to active substance or with a serious depression with the suppression of the functionality of the CNS.

Taking valerian tablets should be carefully related to the use of other means. It is able to strengthen the effect of other sedative drugs, anesthetic, sleeping pills, as well as alcohol.

Caution should be revealed and patients with liver problems. Any diseases of this body (even in the past) serve as a signal that first should be consulted with a gastroenterologist.

There is no clear information in the instructions regarding Valerian tablets during pregnancy. The manufacturer advises to refrain from the reception of the pill in this period due to the lack of profound studies.

From side effects after receiving, Valerians allocate:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • signs of depression;
  • afraid of working capacity;
  • itching and redness of the skin.

In rare cases, an overdose is noted. It is possible to understand that too many Tablets Valerians can be used by the tremor of the hands, the expansion of pupils, pain in the heart, the numbness of the limbs, the fall in view. This situation requires immediate washing of the stomach.

The rules for use of Tablets Valerians adults and children

The drug is recommended to take after meals. The optimal dose for adults, as well as children after 12 years, ranges from 30 to 60 ml (respectively 1 or 2 pills) three or four times a day. In some cases, it is possible to receive tablets by children over 6 years old under the supervision of the doctor.

The duration of treatment is adjusted by a doctor, which is based on the resulting effect and tolerance of the drug. Valerians are pleased with the available cost and good sedative effect. Take tablets correctly, and your health will be in order.

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