How to treat bumps on the buttock after injections?

How to treat bumps on the buttock after injections?

Cones from injections can deliver not only unpleasant sensations and discomfort. When contacting a damaged place, patients are often experiencing unbearable pain. If such seals are formed after injections, measures should be taken to eliminate them. For a long time, non-absorbing education can contribute to the development of infection and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Causes of cones after injection

Cones on buttocks may occur for the following reasons:

  • too short or thick needle;
  • non-processed puncture place;
  • rapid administration of the drug;
  • pressing the bridge muscle during injection;
  • allergy to the medicine;
  • injured nervous end during the procedure;
  • damage to blood vessels;
  • incorrect instructional technique.

How to treat bumps on the buttocks?

There are many ways to help get rid of unpleasant seals after injections. The most common:

  • the use of modern ointments and other drugs from the pharmacy;
  • ethnoscience;
  • medical and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Application of the iodine mesh immediately after injection accelerates metabolic processes and prevents the formation of painful cones. This procedure should be done twice a day or after each injection. Dissing, anti-inflammatory and painkillers has dimexide. The compress from the diluted solution should be kept on a damaged place of half an hour, after consolidating its plaster. It is better to apply it in the morning and in the evening until the seals are completely eliminated. For the same compress the tincture of propolis.

Very comfortable in the application of a special plaster. For the treatment of cones from Ukolov, the use of ointment traumel or trocserutin will be effective. The multiple use of heparin ointments is soothing effect on the affected place, allows you to remove inflammation and pain.

Folk treatments

Not only the use of drugs contributes to the elimination of unpleasant and painful seals on the buttocks. No less effectively acts of traditional medicine in the form of compresses. For them, you can use various products:

  1. Aloe. A well-cooled plant leaf along the cut side we apply to a bump and fix the plaster. Keep up to dry leaves. And smelting the chopped aloe with the compress, fix and keep all night.
  2. Radish. As a warming and resolution remedy for seals, you can apply a radish compress with honey.
  3. Capported leaf. Slightly kneading in the hands of fresh cabbage sheet. I smear it with honey and apply, fixing all night.
  4. Honey. A good response from unwanted formations can be achieved using compresses from honey. In the same proportions we combine rye flour and honey. The resulting cake is covered with a film and leave overnight. Honey, butter and raw egg whites in the form of a compression also apply to the patient. Another compress that is better to do overnight. We mix in an equal amount of honey and alcohol, then add a crushed aspirin tablet. The resulting mixture is superimposed by a warm compress, pre-groaping it with cream.
  5. Effective compresses from raw carrots or potatoes left overnight.
  6. The compress from the alcohol solution of propolis, as well as a warm compress of cottage cheese contributes to the resorption of seals on the buttocks.

When to contact a doctor?

If after injections there is no suppuration and inflammatory process, it is advisable to undergo a course of physiotherapy. Such therapy after inspection appoints a doctor. Also to the doctor should be applied in cases:

  • the emergence of painful sensations when pressed on problem places;
  • strong redness in injections;
  • with a partial insignificant skin numbness;
  • when an increase in temperature.

Very easy after injections you can avoid the appearance of cones on the buttocks. Pick the syringes and needles correctly. Follow the procedure only lying to relax muscles as much as possible. Slowly enter the drug. Places of injection Disinfect with a light movement.


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