How to treat a sciatic nerve at home

How to treat a sciatic nerve at home

If you lead an active lifestyle and move a lot, then do not immediately pay attention to the barely noticeable tingling and weak burning in the thigh, buttock or lower leg. But these are the first calls to be wary. Then a sharp, non -subsided pain may occur, and you will understand that you are faced with a pinching of the sciatic nerve. How to help yourself cope with the disease at home, read below.

First aid to pinch the sciatic nerve

In order to provide quick help to the patient and relieve severe pain, such actions should be taken:

  • gently lay it on the stomach. The situation should be comfortable. Put a small pillow under your head;
  • to relieve pain give medications (“ibuprofen”, “orthophen”, “diclofenac”);
  • after a decline in severe pain, lay the patient in the bed on the back, lift your legs. Observe bed rest.

In no case do not apply a compress or heating pad in the lower back, since such therapy can develop sedentine edema.

Recipes that can be used in the treatment of the sciatic nerve

If you do not want to go to the hospital and undergo treatment with injections and pills, then you can seek help from traditional medicine. Below are translated recipes for treating the sciatic nerve inflammation, which quickly eliminate pain.

  • Knead a dense dough made of rye flour. Roll and put on a sore area. Wrap with cling film and wrap it with a blanket. Such a compress is kept for two hours.
  • In a bottle of vodka, crumble 2 - 3 bitter red pepper. Insist in a dark place for a week. Rub the resulting liquid into the lower back 3 - 4 times a day. The course of such rubbing is 10 days.
  • Black radish rubbing on a fine grater. Add 1 stip of honey. Put gauze on a sore spot, a mixture of radish with honey on it and withstand until burning on the skin.
  • Boil a kilogram of young upper branches of pine. In 3 l of species. We pour this broth into the bath and add water to 35 degrees. The volume of water with a decoction in the bathroom should be approximately 5 buckets (50 l). Such baths are taken within 15 minutes. Once every two days.
  • Improving blood circulation on the area where the nerve is pinched, relieves inflammation. Compresses from burning pepper, onions and horseradish will help to cope with this task.

Other methods for treating the sciatic nerve

At home, in addition to the methods of treating the sciatic nerve with the help of traditional medicine, mechanical methods of therapy are used.

  • A visit to the bath. Steam a sore spot with an eucalyptus or oak broom.
  • Do a can massage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • The use of therapeutic mud.

Sedinal nerve disease prevention

To avoid pinching the sciatic nerve, you should follow the following rules:

  • move more;
  • to use hard chairs for sitting, sit for no more than two hours in a row;
  • abandon high heels;
  • normalize nutrition and consume vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress of increased stiffness;
  • do not lift weights;
  • if there is excess weight, be sure to get rid of it.

The treatment of the sciatic nerve at home is possible, but to completely get rid of the disease and achieve the maximum effect, you should consult a medical specialist.

Comments leave a comment
Zoya 15/11/2021 at 19:22

We often confuse pain in the same lower back with inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In fact, this is very rare, I say as a doctor. Here is often the hip joint and damaged. To relieve the inflammatory process, of course, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory, but with them I always recommend the Evalarov tincture of the saber. It is safe for the stomach and reduces the dosage of the same non -steroidal, so the body is accurately benefited.


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