Osteochondrosis - how to treat at home

Osteochondrosis - how to treat at home

Osteochondrosis is considered a serious chronic disease, which leads not only to the complete degeneration of intervertebral discs, then to the subsequent development of intervertebral hernia, radiculitis and other complications of the disease. In this regard, it is extremely important to begin timely treatment, not only under the persistent leadership of a competent specialist, but also on their own at home.

There are many methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis, their main part falls on the treatment at home. In spite of it is worth understanding that the visit to the qualified specialist is not evicen. Only the doctor will be able assign You are effective treatment of the disease and wake up the best home treatment scheme.

Medical treatment of osteochondrosis

The use of medical preparations should be under the control of a qualified specialist, otherwise this method of self-treatment can harm the body of the patient.

  • Remove inflammation and pain will help special medical preparations, such as: Ketanov,Ibuprofen,NimesilDiclofenak. As a rule, these drugs accepted Not more than 4 times a day, after eating. It is also worth noting that anti-inflammatory The funds are recommended to drink a large number of non-carbonated water, as these medical facilities are capable of irritably affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Removing muscular tone. These medical devices are appointed together with diuretic drugs. Also contribute to the removal of pain and muscle tone, which will prevent the formation of tissue edema. In the case of the development of acute osteochondrosis, drugs are prescribed as: Middokalm Furosemid Troksevazin. Medical tools are accepted strictly according to the instructions, the course of treatment will be no more than 7 days.
  • Soothing. In order to prevent further development in the field neuralgia, the doctor appoints sedatives, based On herbs. In special cases related to bright nervous state The stronger medicines are used: relaignation, Fenazipam.
  • Enrichment of the body with vitamins. During the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, the body requires Vitamin V. in connection with this, it is necessary to take the following drugs: Neuromulitivitis,  Neurovitan. These medical reasons enrich the body with vitamins, as well as normalize the vital activity of cells and organs of the human body as a whole. Vitamin B must be taken 1-2 times a day, for one month.
  • Restoration of cartilage tissue. One of the most important points of treatment in osteochondrosis. Restoration of cartilage tissue and maintaining its further vital activity is very important. In order to stop the destructive process in intervertebral discs are used: Hondronolone,Structum.
  • Removing inflammation of ointments. You can use without the recommendation of a specialist in order to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation. But, usually, Special ointments are used together With the consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or injections that have a stronger impact. Diclofenac  Ibuprofen,  Indomethacin. These medical devices need easy massaging movements to rub back, neck or lower back in the skin. The procedure should be carried out every time, when sharp pain occurs, but not more than 5 times a day.
  • Warming effect. Means containing exceptionally natural products are perfectly removed by swelling and improve blood circulation.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with gymnastics

A person suffering from osteochondrosis is extremely important to perform gym every day. It is worth noting that the physical exertion is prohibited in the presence of exacerbation, as well as people who have any contraindications.
Moderate physical activity helps strengthen the muscles, dispersed the blood and stop the destruction of the intervertebral disks.

There are several special gymnastic exercises to strengthen the spine and restore intervertebral disks. Before selecting suitable exercises must be consulted with a neurologist and produce diagnosis Total spine to understand what part it is necessary to work.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage

The combination of massage procedures and gymnastic exercises is the best method of treating osteochondrosis. Due to the massage, it is possible to achieve an improvement in blood circulation, remove the muscular tone and normalize the vital activity of the cartilage tissue.

This procedure is categorically prohibited to perform in the presence of pain in the spine and various kinds of exacerbations.

The massage procedure should consist of light strokes, shibuny, rubbing I. seminder vertebral muscles. Massage can be performed not only manually, but also with the use of special medical items, for example:

  • Applicator Lapko.;
  • Applicator Kuznetsova;
  • vacuum and mechanical massagers;
  • various devices for physiotherapy.

Treatment osteochondrose folk remedies

The main advantage of the use of folk remedies during the treatment of osteochondrosis is that all therapeutic agents are prepared exclusively from natural Products and herbs.

  • Herbal compress. Mix in a small dishes 1 tbsp. Root from the Zverkoy, 1 tbsp. Burn root and as much dandelion root. The collected ingredients fill 300 ml of hot water, then leave it for 1 hour, then write. Ready therapeutic infusion must be moistened by gauze, wrap neck and over to tie a thick scarf or scarf. Herbal compress is withstanding no more than 30 minutes, the procedure should be carried out daily.
  • Potato-honey compress. Mix 50 g of grated potatoes in raw form and natural honey. Ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then applied to the patient of the spine by 1.5-2 hours.
  • Infusion of elderly. Mix 50 grams of elder with 300 grams of clean alcohol or vodka. Ingredients follow stir I. Leave for 7 days to appease. The cooked infant of the elder should be trimmed with a neck 2-3 times a day.
  • Mint bath. In the bucket, collect 300 grams of birch leaves, Melissa and Mint. Fill the collected hot water ingredients, then cover the bucket with a dense cloth or towel and leave it for 30 minutes. Herbal infusion must be added to a pre-typed bath, after which it is for 30-40 minutes to it.
  • Pine bath. Mix 1 kg of needles and 4 liters of hot water. Put on fire for 20-30 minutes, then add to the entered bath. Take a conifer bathing bath for 30 minutes.

Comments leave a comment
Timofey 11/02/2018 at 19:42.

Thanks for the article! \u003cSuper

To answer
Artem 10/11/2019 at 11:46.

Lord ... how many articles with such a name ... a nightmare is simple. Why imagine people's misleading? As a doctor, I can say that the only thing that can and should be done is to maintain the cartilage cloth in normal state so that there are no pain and deterioration. Usually, patients recommend Honda Fort Evalar to take (on shop. Evallar, by the way, is quite a democratic price) and to go to the courses of exercise and physiotherapy. Always satisfied remain, because the most importantly pain is passing.

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