How to treat a spine

How to treat a spine

The most severe manifestation of osteochondrosis of the spine is the hernia of the intervertebral discs. Intervertebral discs are “gaskets” that are between the vertebrae. Thanks to them, the spine is flexible and durable. Often the hard shell of the disk breaks, fluid flows from the nucleus, and as a result of the end of the spinal cord they are pinched. When compressed, the disk protrudes to the sides, this is the hernia of the intervertebral disc. Such a disease is accompanied by pain, it can also cause paralysis of the muscles of the legs, malfunctions of the pelvic organs, a decrease in sensitivity.

Verse hernia is the cause of pain in the spine. Such pain can be given in the future in the limbs, and this is an indicator of the need for medical intervention.

How to treat the spinal hernia - b ezoperation treatment

If the hernia is not complicated, then you can cure it without surgery. The hernia gradually loses water, so its size decreases. A hernia can dry during the period six months a year. Non -surgical Treatment is a set of measures that reduce pain during the period of natural reduction in the size of the hernia. This is the use of medications, exercises, physiotherapy, blockade.

How to treat a hernia of the spine - drug treatment

Often, simple painkillers do not cope with pain in the lower back, so the doctor prescribes strong painkillers (in some cases narcotic), as well as non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. Today there are a lot of such drugs, while all of them have the same effectiveness. Their difference is in different side effects, which involves coordination with the attending physician.

The most common anti -inflammatory drugs are considered Ibuprofen, Voltaren, Meloxicam. They cannot be taken for more than twenty days, because in this case the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged. The rest of the honey drugs, despite very popularity, have not proved the effectiveness of this ailment. It is recommended to treat hernia only in case of exacerbation of pain symptoms, and not for constant treatment.

How to treat the spinal hernia - blockade

With the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, the patient is recommended controlled blockade. This is a procedure for administering drugs with a needle into a focus of pathology, causing terrible pain, under the control of an X -ray.

The blockade is a procedure that takes place under local anesthesia, while the patient can see everything on the screen. After 2-3 hours, the patient can already go home, because a decrease in pain is felt a few hours after the end of this event. The effect of the analgesic effect lasts depending on the compression of the end of the nerve. After the blockade, half of the patients begin to recover.

Thanks to the local administration of the drug, the patient gets an excellent effect with a slight effect. The implementation of the blockade helps to anesthetize over a certain period, delay the surgical intervention, and sometimes exclude it.

How to treat a hernia of the spine - surgical intervention

If drugs and epidermal Blocks do not lead to any results, or there are symptoms that indicate irreversible nervous damage, then surgical intervention is inevitable. About 10% of patients are treated with surgeons.

Microdiscectomy - This is the rapid treatment of a hernia. The operation time is about half an hour. The procedure is carried out under a neurosurgical microscope using micro -instruments. Thanks to this, it is possible to remove the hernia without harming neighboring fabrics, in particular nervous structures located nearby.

How to treat the spinal hernia - laser removal

The laser removal of hernia is considered a known treatment method. If surgical treatment is not required, then this method is to replace conservative treatment. It should be remembered that the method has quite narrow indications and minimal advantages in comparison with a conservative method of treatment.

How to treat a hernia of the spine - manual therapy

Manual therapy is a system of manual techniques that corrects abnormal phenomena in the human spine. Thanks to manual techniques, the surface of the joints move away. Experts affect certain areas, as a result of which its normal performance is returned. The session must be held with a break of two days, and it lasts half an hour. It is forbidden to carry out manual therapy in the case of fresh trauma of the spine, with an infectious disease of the spine, etc.

How to treat the spinal hernia - stretching the spine

You can stretch the spine with different methods, for example, in water, using horizontal bars, performing exercises. Such methods give a short -term effect of pain reduction. Before proceeding to such procedures, you need to go through magnetic resonance tomography (MRI).

How to treat a hernia of the spine - acupuncture (acupuncture)

Acupuncture is the relief of pain, removal of inflammation and exclusion of pinched in the nerves. After that, the doctor may begin his treatment. Thanks to electric pulses on points using thin needles, you can achieve the effect. It is ideal to carry out the acupuncture procedure with a hernia of the spine along with the massage. Such a tandem will restore blood circulation, and this facilitates the flow of necessary substances into the focus. In this way, intervertebral Disks gain their primary functions, and recovery is accelerating.

Remember, only you are responsible for the treatment of spinal hernias, because any therapy depends on your desire and desire to overcome the ailment. After all, treatment without surgery is quite possible in the case of a systematic and integrated approach. And daily exercises should become a piece of your life without pain.

Comments leave a comment
Dasha 15/11/2021 at 19:23

No wonder the hernia is sometimes operated on, and to no avail. Therefore, I can definitely say that it is 100% impossible to recover from it .... But living without an inflammatory process is real. Moreover, mobility improves. Of course, non -steroidal helps me, but I drink the Evalarov tincture of the saber. Thanks to it, I reduce the dosage of heavy drugs and the stomach already suffers less, which cannot but rejoice.


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