How to treat hernia stomach

How to treat hernia stomach

The hernia of the stomach is a dangerous disease, which is characterized by a change in the location of the esophagus and falling out of its part turn a diaphragm. Hernia is outdoor and inner. Depending on the type of illness, various treatment techniques are used. In this article, we will consider ways to get rid of the gastric hernia.

In any case, it is worth consulting a doctor. It will be able to accurately make a diagnosis after inspection and receiving the analysis results. But a person can focus on the abdomen. At the same time, hernia is often accompanied by heartburn and an acid emission in the esophagus. This becomes possible due to the change in the structure of the digestive organs as a result of physical exertion and irregular nutrition.

To reduce acidity, it is desirable to abandon the use of acute and salty foods. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions. Remember, I can not drink food with water. In no case should not eat before bedtime. Do not allow constipation and gas formation. To do this, add your fiber's ration.

How to treat hernia stomach

Cured herriation can manual therapist or "Kostoprav". Find a good specialist is difficult, and such treatment does not support official medicine. The abdominal organs "are proceeded" and put in an anatomical position. In the process of manipulation, no cuts are carried out.

Traditional medicine treats the hernia of the stomach with the help of drugs. The main task of the doctor is to reduce the production of gastric juice and prevent its release into the esophagus. The doctor may prescribe a special corset that fixes internal organs in the correct position. If conservative treatment does not give results, surgical intervention is carried out. In the process of surgery, the surgeon cuts off the stomach and esophagus. As a result, the abdominal organs become in place. The doctor cannot make you make operation, but there are cases when hernia can cause death. Then it is better to agree to conduct surgical intervention.

How to treat hernia stomach

Folk Medicine offers a whole list of funds for the treatment of stomach hernia. Most often bisps are used from herbal fees. The goose laptop well affects the gastric mucosa and restores it. To prepare tea, pour 2 tablespoons of grass with boiling water and wait until the solution cools. Perfect decoction, take it 120 ml 2-3 times a day. Watch out for your health and exclude Fast Food and alcohol from the diet.

It is possible to reduce the acidity of the stomach with the help of a buckle of the gooseberry. Grind fresh leaves in a blender and fill their boiling water. Take the tank in the towel and give the liquid to cool. Take tea by 120 ml before each meal. In no case do not drink a decoction food. The smaller the food and fluids in the stomach fall, the better.

How to treat hernia stomach

Propolis favorably affects the health of the abdominal organs and will help get rid of hernia. For the preparation of the medicine, purchase in a pharmacy or make an independently 50% solution. Now pour 50 ml of warm milk into a glass and add 30 drops of propolis tincture. Take the remedy you need 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Continue treatment for 2-3 weeks or before the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

Comments leave a comment
Zlata 25/11/2021 at 16:21

With medicinal therapy in principle, everything is clear ....The you need to consult with your doctor in each particular individual case. And pick up what you need. But there are few people against symptoms, although, for example, the same heartfelt is very important to get rid of heartburn. I take in bulk pills, it works very quickly and has a smaller irritant effect on the stomach.


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