How to recognize osteochondrosis and cope with it

How to recognize osteochondrosis and cope with it

Osteochondrosis is a real epidemic of the current century. After 20-30 years, the back starts to hurt almost everyone. The culprit of this is the evolution and the emergencyness of the people themselves.

Osteochondrosis and its reasons

Between the vertebrae of the ridge are intervertebral discs. They consist of a fibrous ring. In the ring there is a pulpous core that plays the main role in the depreciation. At night, water is going to the core and it renews its form and quality. Osteochondrosis develops due to thinning of intervertebral discs, breaking the fibrous ring and the hernia of the pulpal nucleus.

Evolutionary processes play a major role in the formation of this disease. In animals that are moving on four limbs, there is no axial load on the spine. Therefore, they do not have osteochondrosis. In the process of evolution, we received the ability to walk on two limbs. The spine, as it turned out, is not adapted to such loads.

We add our share in the development of the disease. To strengthen the muscles and ligaments, the back must be engaged in regular exercises. This will allow to maintain the spine and improve blood circulation in it. A sedentary lifestyle and a constant disruption of posture only adds oil into the fire. On the day, a person must pass 15-20 kilometers, but only units perform this norm. All of these factors lead to such an impressive spread of the incidence of the ridge.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical ridge

At the vertebral of the cervical spine gives the minimum load, but it occurs quite often. Everything can begin with a slight pain or discomfort in the neck area. Further, the headache begins to appear, disturbing you for a long time. More often it is localized in the occipital region, but can occupy the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe head. Headache is associated with spinal arteries passing through the thin holes of the process of cervical vertebrae. Under osteochondrosis, these holes may narrow and overlapping blood flow to the brain.

Osteochondrosis of the Breast Department of the Range

The chest spine is the longest and provides nerves with many organs. A variety of clinical picture is connected with this. It bothers the pain in the back after exercise or long stay in a vertical position.

An inflammatory process in the shoulder joints associated with the trophic violation may develop. Such patients often cannot completely raise hands up. Sometimes there is pain in the heart or cough. Such attacks are often eliminated by the rotations of the ridge, which lead to unlocking clapped nerves.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar section of the ridge

The lumbar vertebrae is the main load. This is the favorite localization of osteochondrosis. In addition to pain in the spine, patients often worry the pain behind the progress of the sedlication and femoral nerve. The damage to the roots of these nerves can lead to an inflammatory proceed in the knee joints. Patients begin to treat precisely knee joints, and the reason is localized in the spine. Also, trophic ulcers may occur on the legs.

Diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis can be confirmed by the radiograph of the spine in two projections. At the same time, the narrowing of the intervertebral space and the growth of osteophytes will be seen. If diagnosis is difficult, you can use computer tomography or MRI.

Medical measures should begin with therapeutic massage. A traumatologist or specialized masseur can conduct it. This massage is very unpleasant, but it is worth it. To eliminate pain syndrome and inflammatory process, adopt non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Best suitable tablets "Remoxicams". Overnight overlap the compress with an aqueous solution of Dimexide (1/3). You can use 40% alcohol. Instead of cakes, buy parchment paper for compresses. In the morning, on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe vertebra, apply a thin layer of ointment "Diclofenak". There will be very useful classes in the pool. Therapy should be comprehensive and include some more drugs:

  • Movenaza - to remove the edema at the place of inflammation.
  • Middokalm - to eliminate spasm muscles of the spine.
  • Neurovitan is a multivitamin drug for the speedy regeneration of nerves and tissues.
  • Calcium D-3 - to strengthen the vertebrae.

With osteochondrosis, you can fight, but much better not to allow its development. This can be achieved by attaching a little effort and changing your lifestyle.

Comments leave a comment
Oleg 10/11/2019 at 11:58.

Yes, I can't cope with it .... Why do people try to mislead people so far ??? The only thing that can be helped with osteochondrosis is to maintain a condition that it is so that there is no complications and pain. I, for example, for this Honda Forte Evalar accept, I go to therapeutic massages in mandatory. Such measures follow-and everything. So there are no pain, and forget about osteochondrosis.


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