How to treat cervical osteochondrosis

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis

Very often osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are the most movable segments of the lower neck. Because of its mobility of the vertebral neck, it is easy to displaced as a result of various kinds of injuries, loads, and can also be subjected to degenerative-dystrophic change. Osteochondrosis brings a lot of inconvenience and painful sensations. Diagnosed in young working age. The diverse is inherent in the variety and severity of symptoms.

Development of cervical osteochondrosis

  • In the spine violates metabolism.
  • The elasticity and strength of the intervertebral disk is lost.
  • From the load, the fibrous ring is subject to protrusion and can crack.
  • Intervertebral hernia may occur.

What are the symptoms of the cervical osteochondrosis?

  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Headache from the nape to the patterns and temples.
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders, nozzle.
  • The occurrence of pain at the slightest loads on hand, cough.
  • Crunch at the rotations of the neck.
  • Dizziness, fainting.
  • Numbness, tingling hands or legs.
  • The feeling of burning between the blades.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis?

The osteochondrosis treatment is beginning only after determining the exact diagnosis. Due to possible negative consequences, it is not recommended to treat this disease independently. It is necessary to contact the specialist as soon as possible, because the cervical osteochondrosis can be fully cured only at its initial stage. If you are diagnosed with late step, the treatment will be directed to the removal of painful pain, preventing aggravation.

Preventive action from cervical osteochondrosis

Prevention is always better than treatment! Osteochondrosis is very seriously treatment, therefore it is better to conduct a number of simple actions to prevent his appearance.

  • Do not overload the spine. Carefully follow its loads.
  • We try to always keep your back smoothly. Watch out for posture.
  • Not transferred.
  • We carry out charging.
  • We avoid nervous stresses.
  • Right eat.
  • Refusing bad habits.

Elementary exercise for neck

  • Throw back your head and touch the right ear of the right shoulder, left - left 5-10 times.
  • We make slow maximum turns head left-right 5 times.
  • We lower the chin to the neck and perform the turns of the head into each direction 5 times.
  • We strain the muscles of the neck, pressing 7 seconds of the forehead on the palm, and then the back of the palm. We perform 3-5 times.

The cervical osteochondrosis is a painful disease. It should be carefully referring to your health and do not regret the short time that is required to perform a set of exercises to prevent its occurrence. Charging will strengthen your muscular corset and support it. Do not forget that at the first signals of osteochondrosis, you must urgently consult a doctor and conduct an integrated examination.

Comments leave a comment
Kolya 10/11/2019 at 11:45.

Doctors to treat him can not, but the Internet can all)) I understand well that all the measures of "treatment" of the tuft. It is better to leave everything as it is and try to maintain the cartilage tissue of the spine so that there is no greater deterioration of the state. For this course, Honda Forte Evalar I take and I go to massages. No pain, regression in the disease, too, and this is the most important thing))

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