Neck collar Shazha

Neck collar Shazha

To solve problems related to pain in the muscles of the neck or in the cervical spine, as well as to remove the post-traumatic effect, the neck collar of the chaspant is used. In order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is important to choose correctly and use this medical device. Otherwise, instead of the expected improvement, you can harm.

The collar of Shagns is a tire made of special materials of various densities in a certain combination of each other. Thanks to the fixation in the right position, it removes the load from the muscles and the top of the spine, at the same time adding a warming and soft massage effect, improving blood circulation.


The decision to use any medical device should be taken exclusively after consulting with a specialist. Only he can correctly recommend the product suitable in each case. For example, with heavy injuries and fractures, rigid holders for necks made of plastics and metal are used.

The correct selection of the collar of Shazz is the most important stage in the treatment of the cervical department. Often, with an incorrect choice, a deterioration of symptoms was observed, which took place immediately after replacing the device. Therefore, the purchase should be made in specialized orthopedic salons with a consultant.

There are several general rules that you need to know:

  • Tire height is equal to the length of the neck of the patient.
  • The lower part should be based on the clavical bones, and the upper sign of the base of the lower jaw.
  • Behind the tire supports the base of the skull, resting in the base of the neck.

The sick neck must be fixed so much to limit the turn of the head, prevent the possibility of tilting or throwing it on.

Tire to wear quite simple. The chin should be located in a special excavation located on the top. At the same time, the lower part rests on the bone of the clavicle. Rear fixture is fixed with velcro. It should be noted that the tire must fit tightly along the entire length to the neck. The neck must be fixed, but in no case cannot be allowed even the slightest feeling. Each time the collar is recommended to hold a light session of the massage.

How much time should we carry the collar, can advise only a specialist specialist. It depends on the diagnosis, the severity of injury or the stage of the disease. It happens, just a few hours a day. Sometimes it is necessary to wear it constantly for one week to several months. But do not forget that with long-term constant wearing, the muscles of the neck are gradually atrophized, so the abuse is dangerous. Before applying the tire, make sure the neck skin is clean and dry. When skin irritation occurs at the time, remove the collar. When recurring, it is necessary to stop using and consult with a specialist.

Collar Shazhanta is comfortable and easy to use, this is what explains its widespread use in modern medicine. But his appointment, the term of wearing, as well as the selection of the size of the bandage, is necessary to strictly individually coordinate with the attending physician. In the treatment process, it is possible to periodically pass inspection, controlling the stage of the disease. In the case of recovery, immediately stop using the bandage to avoid muscle atrophing.

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