Blurred neck - how to treat

Blurred neck - how to treat

In the people, it is customary to say "blurred neck", which in medical terminology means inflammatory disease MIOSIT. Pain in the neck can attack a person due to being in the draft, the supercooling of the body, also inflammation may appear due to overwork at work or due to the wrong posture of the cervical, during night sleep. The patient detects syndrome most often in the morning awakening. It gets hard to keep your head straight, tilt, the pain prevents driving a car, work and perform everyday affairs. Recovery comes quickly if it is diagnosed and starting the right treatment during it.

The neck is blown - the first actions

To avoid the propagation of pain syndrome into the temporal and shoulder area, it is necessary at the first signs of manifestation to contact the precinct therapist. Medical treatment consists of massage using warming ointments. It is necessary to fight a marked place without delay, comprehensively alternating analgesics with the means of traditional medicine.

Blowed neck - Medical preparations

In the first 3-4 days, the body needs to create a warm and relaxed atmosphere, so it's better to spend at home and try to avoid stress. Muscle mobility will recover in 4-5 days.

  • Quickly remove the attacks of a strong pulling pain will help the abundant rubbing of the anesthetic drugs of Naz or Nimulide. Relief will come in 30-40 minutes.
  • The cervical muscles need to warm up well, the warming gels and ointments will help, such as the Soviet star, the Fastum Gel, Finalgon, Menovazin. Rubbing performed on dry skin, light movements, 2-3 times a day.

Effectively affects the marked cervical physiotherapy, infrared treatment, leaf and acupuncture. Also with my opiniono, folk remedies are well coped.

Blowed neck - folk recipes

In the treatment of illness, the inflamed area needs to provide regular dry heat. In addition to external influences, the body needs to be warmed from the inside, they drink hot tea with raspberries or honey for these purposes.

  • Potato compress - boil 2-3 potato in conjunction with the skin. Hot fruits clean and scroll to the formation of a thick puree. Wrap in light fabric and attach to the neck. Slow cooling of potatoes will provide a long-term warming department.
  • Cabbage compress - from fresh cabbage Separate a sheet of medium size, well soda with its economic soap and a large amount of food soda. The "heating" wrap up in a plastic bag, apply to the patient and covered with warm tissue.
  • The horsetail compress - half of the glass of crushed grass of a field church is stirred with 20 Gy of molten cream oil, applied on the neck, close on top of the food film and soaked with a scarf.
  • Salt heater - a small salt scatter on a hot pan, carefully glow, put in a bag of light fabric and applied to the neck for the night.
  • Vodka compress - gauze must be folded three times, thoroughly shed vodka and put on the neck. If pure alcohol is taken, it is pre-bred with water 1: 1. Top are covered with glued, cotton and wind with a warm scarf.

Shinga - Massage

When rubbing therapeutic ointments, simultaneously light massage. Rubbing actions reduce muscle tension and increase blood flow to the inflamed area. Discover pains with palpation and gently rub it in different directions, as if driving pain. In addition to ointments, you can also use essential oils:

  • Rosemary oil - removes swelling and reduces pain.
  • Cinnamon oil - has a warming effect and reducing pain spasms.
  • Oil from chamomile and juniper - has an antiseptic effect, actively eliminates inflammation and enhances blood flow.

To improve the effect of oil, you can mix with each other in equal proportions. Before use, be sure to check the skin on the absence of allergies - a drop of used oil applies to a small area of \u200b\u200bleather. Allergic reaction is manifested for 15-20 minutes.

Blowed neck - prevention

After recovery or with frequent exacerbations of myositis:

  • Prevent better than treat - Avoid blowing the cervical, on the street Always close the throat with a scarf, scarf or wear a sweater with a high neck. Do not sit on drafts and under the outdoor window.
  • After a hot bath, a soul or long-term exercise, it is forbidden to immediately go out into the street, in order to avoid re-recurrence.
  • Choose a convenient orthopedic pillow that meets your requirements. Also try to fall asleep in a convenient position so that your head is not too high.
  • During long-term seats, knead the cervical rotation and slopes.

As prophylaxis, order your body with a contrasting shower and an active trituration of the towel after. As you can see, cure the inflamed neck simply. The main thing is to apply all the above methods with a special effort and carry out treatment on time. Be healthy!

Comments leave a comment
Lida 15/11/2021 at 19:04

Most often, of course, the joints begin to suffer, so I am the first thing that makes the compress with the Evalarov tincture of the saber. I do it in general, but you can also do compresses, there are no side effects from it. Well, be sure to limit physical exertion. Only so you can cope with painful sensations.


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