Fraud occurs not only in severe frost. If some area of \u200b\u200bthe skin has been in the cold for a long time, which can occur in raw and windy weather, circulatory violation occurs. The first blow falls on the skin, then deepening structures are affected. There are many ways to treat frostbite.
Hot drinking. With severe frostbite, it is not recommended to rub the skin, since heating should occur from the inside. Move the victim to room at room temperature and put in warm and dry clothes. Drive it with milk or tea with lemon. Herbal decoctions with raspberries and honey are also suitable. Do not give alcoholic beverages or coffee. Otherwise, there will be a sharp expansion of the vessels and they burst. The heating process can be painful, therefore, if necessary, give painkillers. Warm bath. Fill a bath or pelvis with warm water. Adjust the water temperature so that it is slightly warm. The heating process should occur gradually. As heated, increase the temperature smoothly. Otherwise, the victim will burn the skin and blisters will arise. In no case do not use heating devices for heating, the temperature of which cannot be adjusted. Continue warming until the skin becomes soft and sensitive.As the victim warms up, a burning sensation and tingling should feel. The frostbitten part should acquire a red or pink color, and the sensitivity will recover. If this does not happen or the skin of the swelling and swollen, urgently consult a doctor. With other signs of further damage, also consult a doctor.