How to treat lumbar hernia

How to treat lumbar hernia

Nowadays, there are a lot of people, mainly men suffer from lumbar hernia. Treatment of lumbar hernia is effective with regular compliance with all the necessary recommendations and the use of drugs appointed by the Doctor. Consider the causes of the occurrence of the disease and methods of treating this complication.

What is the lumbar hernia

The appearance of vertebral hernia in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, most often occurs in two cases:

  • Low-moving sedentary lifestyle. Lumbar hernia is most often developing from office work, when a person spends a lot of time sitting at a computer. Plus to this, the wrong posture, the horn back distributes the strength of gravity. As a result, damaged damage begins.
  • Getting the injuries of the back and power overload on the body. Many beginners inexperienced athletes, wanting to achieve rapid results from their classes, tear their back. In young age, without thinking about the consequences, I want to be the first and effective among rivals. Also, movers suffer from the lumbar hernia, raising the weight not the corresponding body. Drivers also often acquire this disease.

How to treat vertebrate hernia

Contact your doctor. This is the most reliable method of diagnosis, identification and treatment of the disease. Go to the reception to your therapist. You will be prescribed to hand over blood test and urine to identify inflammatory processes. After inspection, he will write down the direction to the trauma and orthopedic surgeon. For a full examination, you will be assigned a passage of magnetic resonance or computed tomography. Next, the surgeon or orthopedist can direct you to a neurologist to determine the pincure of the nerves. As well as a specialist of a narrow profile - a vertebrologist.

The doctor who will identify the diagnosis of lumbar hernia will supply you a number of drugs for treatment. Depending on the severity of the disease prescribe painkillers. If constant pain in the treatment process weakens, it says to restore your spine. Then, on subsequent techniques, manual therapy is prescribed - massage. If the treatment is appointed correctly, and you fulfill all the necessary recommendations for treatment, the recovery comes within 3-6 months. However, neglect of treatment may result in serious consequences. Lumbar hernia in severe is treated surgically.

Folk remedies and treatment at home

When you discovered frequent back pain and short-term shootings in the feet, you need to take action. First, refuse serious physical exertion. Carefully treat your body. Try to raise. Make light workouts charging. Exercises can only be done when you do not feel painful symptoms. Secondly, good impact on the back has a prevention with leeches. Their feature in a special enzyme, which stands out when they are sought to the skin. Leeches are a great way to update cells in the body, it is useful.

Special tinctures, decoctions and compresses on herbs made at home are favorable influence.

  • Tincture of therapeutic chamomile and nettle. Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. Non-broken chamomile and 2 tbsp. l. Nonfiled nettles pour 150 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist for 2 weeks. Perfoliate the obtained tincture through gauze or siter. Take 3 h. in the morning and in the evening.
  • An infusion of aspen kidneys. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. A tablespoon of kidneys to pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 1 hour. Doodle throughout the day. This agent does not have contraindications, you can drink it every day.
  • Compress from honey, mummy and fir oil. All ingredients mix and impose on a painful area for 20-60 minutes.
  • Once a week do the iodine mesh on the lumbar back zone. It helps to neutralize inflammatory processes.

Treatment of lumbar hernia - responsible business. Be careful to the body. Do not ignore the prescribed physician treatment. The length of treatment depends on the disease. Compliance with the proper regime and the application of the above methods of treatment will save you from the lower back pain and will restore your health. Be healthy.

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Gulzhan 20/04/2016 at 18:25

my girlfriend didn't have diagnostics that she had no shelter to lie

To answer
Gulzhan 20/04/2016 at 18:25

doctors said that her 5mm

To answer

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