What treats endocrinologist

What treats endocrinologist

The human body is the most complex system of interrelated organs, processes that perform certain functions and have their own characteristics. In this regard, medical specializations for the treatment of the body are formed in medicine. Among the whole many names of medical professionals, such as a cardiologist, a rheumatologist, an endocrinologist and others, it is important to know who and what does.

Violation in the work of one of the bodies entails unwanted changes in the work of others. The body provides a regulatory system, which, with the help of highlighted hormones, regulates the activities of all organs of the human body. She is called "endocrine system". However, it happens in it, which again leads to a violation of the overall condition of the body. The problems of the endocrine system and the variants of their solution and warnings studies endocrinology. A medical specialist working in this area is called "Endocrinologist".

Endocrinologist - a doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of deviations in the work of the endocrine system. The pathology of the endocrine system may occur at any age, but in connection with the age characteristics of the body, endocrinology is divided into children's and adult. Endocrinology specialists include a thyroidologist, diabetologist, endocrinologist-genetics, endocrinologist - gynecologist, etc.

Specialist Endocrinologist, by virtue of its specialization, works with many issues, including:

  • various deviations of growth and sexual development in children's and adolescence, non-soldering diabetes, autoimmune and oncological diseases of the endocrine system;
  • reproductive problems (endocrine infertility, gynecomastia, etc.);
  • diseases of the hypothalamus, pituitary glands, adrenal glands;
  • diabetes;
  • problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, etc.

Among other things, the Endocrinology subsection is the diabetology - science, which studies the causes of the occurrence, development, the flow of diabetes, as well as methods and methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment.

At the reception, the endocrinologist should produce an oral patient's survey, paying attention to heredity, inspect lymph nodes, appoint additional analyzes and diagnostic procedures (ultrasound, x-rays, blood test to the level of hormones, etc.). In accordance with the results of diagnostic research, the endocrinologist establishes or confirms the existing diagnosis, prescribes treatment, as well as rehabilitation and preventive measures.

Depending on the results of the survey, the endocrinologist prescribes drugs that correct violations of activities in the endocrine system, namely suppress, replace or stimulate the production of hormones and various biologically active substances that regulate many of the functions of the body.

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Zhanna 02/09/2018 at 13:13

It seems to me only the child does not know what this doctor does)) Adults, it certainly should regularly go to the techniques ... I searched for this when I launched my health. I also had to recover long hormones, and now I am on maintaining it (Endocrinol I accept courses-in the online store Fitomarket I order + Sagen's tincture). Thank God, now there are no problems that no hair stopped falling out than before it was constantly suffering, the condition is better ... But still it is more correct to pass prevention in a timely manner, I think ... It's a pity that many people neglected.


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