What treats neurologist

What treats neurologist

Neurology is a section of medicine, which is engaged in the study of the causes and mechanisms for the development of diseases of the nervous peripheral system and the central nervous system, as well as the development of techniques for the treatment of these diseases. A medical specialist in neurology is called a neuropathologist or neurologist.

Neurologist - a doctor with higher medical education (specialty "Pediatrics" or "therapeutic case"), which treats diseases of the nervous system of the human body. In the nervous system allocated:

  • central (spinal and brain) and peripheral (nerves and nervous nodes) of the system;
  • somatic (interrelation of body with the environment, motor functions) and vegetative (regulation of the activities of internal organs, vessels, glands, etc.) of the system.

The duties of the neurologist include:

  • inspection and patient poll;
  • appointment of diagnostic measures (x-ray, ultrasound, laboratory tests, MRI);
  • confirmation of the diagnosis;
  • the choice and purpose of appropriate treatment (surgical methods and therapy, including physical, biological and chemical methods);
  • control of the treatment process;
  • appointment of preventive measures.

The human nervous system is versatile and has a complicated structure. Irregularities in its work shows the mass of symptoms, such as frequent headaches, migraines, dizziness, fainting, insomnia and other sleep disorders, loss of sensitivity and deterioration of motor coordination, tinnitus, spinal pain, memory loss, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure surges , anxiety, fear, and others. Each of the possible manifestations can talk about different diseases.

Neurology is in close connection with neurosurgery, pediatrics and psychiatry, many diseases of the nervous system occur in childhood, are chronic and can lead to changes in behavioral and psychological state. The most common diseases of the peripheral and central nerve systems are: neuralgia, epilepsy, stroke, head and spinal cord tumors, circulatory disruption, encephalopathy.

The diseases of the nervous system are often complex in nature, and there may be a violation of sensitivity, psyche disorders, convulsions and paralysis. These diseases include: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, the presence of osteophyte (bone proof), radiculitis, migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, pinching of nerve fibers, fabric palsy, disorder of consciousness, tremor, head and back injuries, stroke, senile dementia, illness Parkinson, Alzheimer, etc.

The causes of diseases of the nervous system is a violation of its cells (neurons) and the relationship between them, inflammatory processes of various etiologies of the head and spinal cord, as well as in the fibers of the nerves.

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