How to treat vitiligo at home

How to treat vitiligo at home

Vitiligo disease is not dangerous, does not cause pain or discomfort in the patient. However, the unpleasant white pigmentation of the skin and the desire for the beautiful can somewhat subcontract our confidence. Moreover, the absence of melanin in white spots of the skin causes special sensitivity to ultraviolet, and actively developing disease is an explicit sign of weak immunity, chronic diseases of the internal organs or intoxication of the body. Whatever it was, treatment of vitiligo folk remedies at home is a true way to prevent the disease and combating a cosmetic defect of affected skin. Moreover, such treatment is also extremely useful for the immune system of our body.

Treatment of vitiligo oskoy

If not far from your home there is a fresh water with fresh water, you can easily score a rod to prevent the disease. The treatment of the rod has no contraindications. But it is recommended to still pick up a poke in pure forest reservoirs, where the influence of urban atmospheric pollution is minimized. Wherever the plants have for treatment, it should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water. If a large number of local birds and animals have been brought with water with it, "it's not worth it.


  • Pure washed ripple in equal proportions with natural floral honey. Used 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Dried and crushed in Powder Powder is recommended to give small children of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • The dried row can also be used to prepare tincture. One bottle of vodka is added a glass of dried grass from the reservoir. It insists for several days in the light, then at least a month in a dark place.

Applied tincture of ripples dropped to eating. On a glass of water - 20 drops. Starting from the second week and each next increase the number of drops of ten. And so - up to 50 drops on a glass.

Treatment of vitiligo Pasternak

The easiest way to look for Pasternak in thickets of shrubs, valleys and mountain meadows. Pasternak root is also very popular as spices in dishes.


  • pasternak flowers are rubbed before the formation of a homogeneous porridge;
  • ready raw materials are mixed with pork lard in proportions: 2 tbsp. Pasternak spoons at 100 g. Sala;
  • heat on a small fire for several hours.

The finished medicine must be cooled and used as an ointment for the affected skin.

Treatment of vitiligo geranium


  • dry and crush the roots of red geranium;
  • 50 g of dried geranium is filled with a liter of boiled water and insisted for four hours;
  • the resulting composition is filtered, after which is ready for use.

We add a ready-made tincture in a warm bath with water. Procedures apply before bedtime. It is desirable that the course of treatment consists at least 20 baths.

Treatment of vitiligo tincture of wine and letter


  • two liters of any wine are mixed with half a glass of brutal progress;
  • the resulting mixture is boiled on fire for at least a quarter of an hour.

This tincture is recommended twice a day by portions of 50 grams: once before meals and once before bedtime.

Unfortunately, official medicine did not invent effective ways to combat the disease. Therefore, folk remedies for many remain the only correct method for preventing vitiligo and its development.

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