How to treat cystitis at home

How to treat cystitis at home

Cystitis is not the most pleasant "guest", often visiting the female half of humanity. Such a "selectivity" of the disease is due to the anatomical features of the genitourinary system in women (short urethra, bulk bladder). Therefore, a rapid, painful urination after hypothermia feels a lot of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, considering how to treat cystitis at home. About how to make such treatment is effective, read in our article.

The condition is first - we exclude the "provocateur", that is, hypothermia. To do this, it is better to limit your activity and prevent any impact of cold (bed with a warm blanket, warm clothing). There are recommendations that local heat can alleviate the state (the heater and a bottle of hot water to the bottom of the abdomen), but only if there is blood impurities in the urine. Also, do not neglect hygiene - the washed with warm water using special vehicles for intimate hygiene helps to reduce discomfort.

The condition is second - we remove the stimuli of the food nature. To eliminate the additional adverse effect on the irritated inflammation of the urethra's mucous membrane and the bladder, remove such products from their diet, like spices and sharp seasonings, smoked, marinades, canned goods, too saline or pended dishes. Also, it is not necessary during the treatment period there are mushrooms, garlic, onions, radishes, fish and meat broths. The advantage should be given rapcular vegetables, fruits and dairy dishes. The most correct diet will appoint a doctor on the basis of your urine analysis.

The third condition is "wash" the pathogen. Another way to strengthen the effectiveness of the treatment of cystitis is a drinking mode. He suggests abundant drink, and not only after eating, but also in the intervals between meals. But note that the irritant effect on the urinary system can also have drinks, so do not use alcohol and coffee during treatment. The perfect drink in the case of cystitis is a berry morse (cranberry, ink, brushing) or herbal tea (better special pharmacy fees). You can drink and ordinary tea, but not strong and diluted with milk, as well as water, berry kislets or juices.

Condition fourth - neutralize infection. In fact, all previous conditions are only auxiliary factors for the treatment of cystitis, the main factor - antibacterial treatment. It is assigned from the first days of the disease. The exceptions are the first cases of cystitis without impurities of blood and other complications (pyelonephritis, stones, tumors), when on the first day it is possible to do the above methods, as well as by the preparations based on herbs (canofron, cyston, spasmodial, phytolesine), anti-inflammatory agents and spasmodics. In the case, if cystitis recurrection or condition is not improved at the first cystitis, it is not possible to do without antibiotics. The list of effective drugs is constantly changing in relation to this disease. The most effective today are nitrofurans (Furadonin, Furazolidon, Furagin, Furamag), Fluoroquinolones (Norfloxacin, Orphloxacin, Ciprolets) and phosphomycin, troometamol (monoral). But it is important to remember that such treatment ideally should appoint a doctor on the basis of laboratory studies (sensitivity to antibiotics), especially children and future mothers.

Condition fifth - warning relapses. Here, in addition to excluding hypothermia, there are several more rules for women who will help to avoid cystitis. First, avoid stagnation of urine in the bladder, that is, go to the toilet more often (every 3-4 hours). Secondly, do not neglect intimate hygiene. Thirdly, try to empty the bladder before and after intimate relationships.

And remember that cystitis is a disease that is often returned. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it, and it should be done correctly and to the end. The opinion of the doctors about the home treatment of cystitis you can learn by reviewing the video.

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Irina 19/04/2019 at 11:24.

Yes, no one in the hospital will not put to treat cystitis. But it is necessary to apply for a doctor that the treatment is effective.

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faith 04/22/2019 at 14:29

Yes, Irina, I agree. But many of these help are neglecting and prescribe treatment themselves, right up to antibiotics. By the way, I treated me the last time from cystitis not an antibiotic, it says addictive, so appointed
Macmiror, an antimicrobial means of extended action. Cystitis defeated! Patient satisfied!

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Inna 07/18/2019 at 16:21

I rarely cystitis, so the doctor prescribes an antibiotic. Plus, this time it further recommended that its components (vegetable components and vitamins) contribute to the fastest elimination of cystitis manifestations, plus still immunity strengthened that with such a disease it is extremely important.

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Galya 08/10/2019 at 15:18

I even said to me that it is possible to cope with cystitis only if the problem is comprehensive to solve the problem. Therefore, I drank nephrone, teas herbal (urological), tried more water to drink during the day. That's all together and gave results, from cystitis there is no trace. Finally, these disassemble pain passed ...

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