Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat

Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat

Custitis - inflammation of the walls of the bladder. Many women learn about the ailment during pregnancy, as the body is weakened, and the mucous membranes have a loose structure. In this article we will tell how to cure cystitis during pregnancy.

No warming up

If you have come across this disease before pregnancy and successfully treated it, using the heating floor, then you should forget about such a way. Any hot bathrooms and heating pads in an interesting position are contraindicated. So you can provoke miscarriage or bleeding that will have to stop in the hospital.

Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat

We treat cystitis herbs

Note, not all herbs can be used if you are in an interesting position. Many plant ingredients cause contraction of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage. Safe during pregnancy are field hand, dill, rosehip and lingonberry leaves. Special fees are sold at the pharmacy. It is necessary to brew grass from the calculation - 1 tablespoon of 0.5 liters of water.

There is a medicinal substance based on the healing herbs Kanefron. It is often prescribed to women who have chronic pyelonephritis and frequent recurrences of cystitis. This substance has an antibacterial and firming effect.

Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat

Antibiotics with cystitis

Not all antibiotics are allowed to use when you wait for the baby. Amquacy, amoxiclav and monural can be distinguished. In advanced cases, when there is a risk of ascending infection, the doctor may prescribe more serious antibiotics (ceftriaxone, cefasoline, ampiox). They are not recommended for pregnancy.

Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat


This is a procedure that implies an introduction to the bladder through the catheter of antibacterial drugs, such as boric acid, a solution of silver and a rivocol. In the process of the wall procedure is washed with one of the solutions, and the waste fluid is derived out. It is worth noting that manipulation is carried out in a hospital. It is unpleasant, but allows you to affect bacteria directly in the focus of their distribution.

Reduce pain when urination

To do this, reduce the amount of food consumed. Several times a day Drink a solution of lemon juice. For its preparation, dissolve the juice of half of the lemon in a liter of water. This liquid reduces pain. If the temperature is not observed, you need to drink diuretic formulations. To do this, soda on the grater cucumber and squeeze juice. You need 200 ml of juice. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this fluid and a spoonful of honey. Take a medicine 3 times a day.


Note, cystitis cystitis very often occurs during pregnancy, so if you have already sought a mistreel, be careful. Do not wear cramped linen and do not heal. We regularly attend the toilet. It is impossible to delay the urine in the bubble for a long time, as it contributes to the emergence of infection. Wake up ordinary soap and try not to use shower gels. Lactacid can be used, this gel contains milk acid, which prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Cystitis during pregnancy than to treat

Once a month, give urine on the analysis. This will allow to identify proteins and leukocytes, which indicates inflammation.

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