Headache with pregnancy, what to do

Headache with pregnancy, what to do

Pregnancy is one of the most important events in the life of every girl. However, it is in an interesting position that we face different kinds of painful syndromes, since the changes that occur in the body have a load on many organs and the vascular system as a whole. As a result, we often experience headaches whose intensity is sometimes significantly higher than those that transferred to pregnancy. Knowing that the use of ordinary medical drugs is extremely undesirable, think about how to cope with this problem.

We establish the cause

Before we begin to eliminate headaches, it is necessary to understand its main reason, because sharp pain syndromes during pregnancy can stretch our body for various reasons:

  • Hormonal failures that affect the regulation of the nervous system. Especially they are tangible in the first trimester.
  • An increase in the level of progesterone affecting the pressure drop. This hormone is able to significantly reduce the pressure in the brain vessels, and as a result we feel strong headaches.
  • For the third trimester, an increase in blood pressure is characterized, especially for hypertensive. Also provoke the strengthening of blood circulation may cause kidney disease.
  • Vessel spasms, resulting in blocking blood circulation of the nervous system. This disease is also called gestosis. Along with pain in the head of the head, swelling appear, flickering in the eyes and loss of consciousness.
  • Overweight during pregnancy.
  • Glucose deficiency due to insufficient nutrition.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Eye disease, meningitis.
  • Slow drops of atmospheric pressure.

Medicinal preparations during pregnancy

During pregnancy, undoubtedly, it is better to avoid the adoption of medical drugs, however, it should not express themselves as headaches, as it can negatively affect the health of the future child. Denote permitted medications for pregnant women:

  • Paracetamol. The most common medicine. Perfectly removes the headache and normalizes the body temperature, while not affecting the fruit. It is important not to exceed the dose, that is, not to use more than 500 mg per day. The drug should be finalized no more than three days in a row.
  • Ibuprofen. The medicine can quickly paint various manifestations of pain, does not harm the child. It is accepted no later than the second trimester and no more than three days.
  • But-shp. Universal remedy used for different pain syndromes. It has a soft effect and eliminates the headache five minutes after the reception.

If, after eating pills, the pain does not pass, then we plan a visit to the doctor, where the specialist will appoint a proper effective treatment.

Preventive Pregnancy Prevention

To face the unpleasant feelings of pain in the head area, we will perform a number of necessary recommendations:

  1. Positive mood. We try to think as little as possible about the bad and tighten your thoughts on a positive direction.
  2. We avoid excess surge and more often rest. Of course, it is not necessary to spend the whole day in bed, you need to more often do the respite at fatigue.
  3. For relaxation, we use suitable musical accompaniment, for the future kid, the perception of such sounds will also become useful.
  4. Massage of the cervical vertebrae from a specialist. After several sessions, you can learn to massage the neck yourself and perform the procedure at home.
  5. We definitely use a balanced and saturated with vitamins food for pregnant women. Do not overeat. We increase the number of meals, reducing the volume.
  6. We are engaged in gym for pregnant women.
  7. We accept contrasting shower and compresses with headaches.

Appeal to the doctor

In the presence of the following signs, we immediately appeal to the doctor:

  1. Morning headaches arising immediately after the end of sleep.
  2. Not passing migraine more than a day with a strong pulsating pain.
  3. Violation of the activities of various organs - view, hearing, touch.
  4. Cramps or numbness of limbs.
  5. Strong nausea reflexes, dizziness.

So we learned, with what you can eliminate headache and not damage the health of the baby. However, it is better not to solve such meaningful questions without the participation of specialists, selecting the optimal type of treatment.

Comments leave a comment
pomsveta.ru. 09/17/2016 at 15:01

Very often, headaches are a consequence of damage to the spine and its energy ties. In this case, you need to restore these energy-links and the problem of headaches will be held by itself. Well, the spine is the main highway of our power system. In this case, not only the entire spine is restored, but also the normal functioning of the whole body. As a result, the headache will disappear and many other problems will go away. Very effectively, the healers make it.

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