Yoga during pregnancy

Yoga during pregnancy

originally yoga it was considered exclusively eastern direction, allowing find harmony soul and the body. V last years yoga became popular among all ages the population, a also found recreation application v one from happy moments for womenperiod pregnancy.

yoga v period pregnancy

If you yet not familiar with yoga, then v period pregnancy acquaintance with her will form helpful the habit, a also:

  • Will help to strengthen muscles and support their tone;
  • ease unpleasant feel v early pregnancy;
  • make process appearance child more easy;
  • remove pain v region waist;
  • Normalizes exchange matter and, how result, will help save shape;
  • Promotes rapid excretion toxins from organism.

asanas at pregnancy

Front execution any  asanas necessary relax and prepare to exercises. For of this sit down, crossing legs, and close eyes. this the exercise must take not less five minutes. After of this can proceed to implementation following exercises:

  • first asanathis the exercise performed sitting, at it is legs wide divorce v parties. spread back, freeing more places for child. do several once breath and exhalation, breathing full breast.
  • second asananot leaving from the first provisions, bend right knee, attaching ream to internal parts the left hips. straighten back, pulling breast cell. Do the also most with the left leg. For facilities can throw on not bent leg strap.
  • third asanafor of this exercises need bead. sit down on it back to wall and little lift lap. At it is they must to be below level pelvic bones. Under lap put under bead and fully relax, holding back straight.
  • fourth asanato perform the incline, necessary front yourself have support, height which coincides with height your foot. becoming directly front support, legs we arrange on width shoulder. tilt forward, kosayas forehead supports, a hands pull forward. Important, to frame not was below level pelvis.
  • fifth asanaget up directly and we arrange legs on 120 centimeters friend from friend approximately. tilt frame under angle 90 degrees and we rely on support. relaxes stomach and back.
  • sixth asanacomfortable settle down on blanket, to pelvis was on semi. Under legs puts a bead. Close eyes and fully relax.

yoga v each trimester

Yoga capable not only prepare your body to leave, but and harm. Exactly therefore for each trimester provided their restrictions:


V this period only begins nascent new life, and organism pasteless mass amendments. Everything this is leads to some discomfort v stomach, toxicosis and head pools. Classes yoga help not only get rid of from these ailments, but and raise mood, customize on necessary wave future maternity. V this period allowed all asanas, but without patriotism.

Second trimester

In second trimester organism already used to new for myself position and already appeared small tummy. V this period many women face with problem varicose. That's why at classes yoga follow fulfill lungs inverted posy., t.e.. belly up. A get rid of from annoying heartburn help exercises, which perform sitting, at it is wide opening breast cell for prevent pressure on organs.

Third trimester

Not costs to yourself refuse v pleasure from classes yoga v this period, after all now very important prepare body to forthy leave. V third trimester future mother should exclude any posy. v position lying on back, this is harm health mom. and future to kid. Also costs cut exercises standing on feet, they can lead to varicose and pools. Categorically it is forbidden fulfill sharp slopes and turns torch. V it is trimester use rollers, blankets and balls v quality auxiliary inventory.

Front occupation yoga necessarily necessary consult with yours gynecologist. Also follow give out preference group classes with experienced instructor.

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