In time pregnancy women organism needs v individual care. Right rational nutrition – pledge normal development baby, good health the future mom. and successful delivery. We tell me what kind needless vitamins, v what amounts and Required li additional help organism v video pharmaceutical drugs.
Before sih pore question o need sTI reception multivitamins for pregnant women is an contentious. At fine flowing pregnancy, full-fledged rational nutrition female maybe receive all necessary vitamins from products. But so li this is on very business? O rationality reception multivitamins v everyone specific case costs consult with attending doctor.
V everyone trimester pregnancy fetus passes definite stage development, for favorable passing whom necessary increased number the individual element. For first trimester most important are vitamins E., AT 9, A:
- For right development fetal eggs on early stages pregnancy Need vitamin AT 9 or folic acid. From products digested poorly, therefore for prevention Violations development nervous tube and head brain doctors appointed reception vitamin A. Present v spinach and legumes.
- Vitamin E. involved v process development placental. His daily norm make up 15 mg.. More total vitamin A contains v different oils, peas, dogrose and green.
- Vitamin A involved v development organs of view and nervous system. Maximum dose make up 2500 Me.. contained v liver, apricots, dogrose, spinach and fish fat.
- Iodine accept participation v generation gormons thyroid glands, providing normal exchange substances pregnant women, control the weight and lymphotok. Seafood, iodinated salt contain adequate number microcell.
- Calcium promotes formation skeleton fruit and kidney. contained v fermented products and different species cabbage. Better digested v complex with vitamin D.. That's why at shortage v diet products, containing calcium, appointed complex drugs, for example, Calcemin.
- frequent complication pregnancy is an development iron anemia, what extremely dangerous for baby. Flaw gland leads to violation arrivals oxygen to pour and how corollary to oxygen starvia. For prevention diseases necessary arrival element v organism pregnant before 60 mg. daily. Iron contains v different species meat.
- Complex vitamins for pregnant women Prankna wisdom popularity consumers per check composition, which the includes great number vitamins and element, a also available price position.
- Vitamins Alphabet attract thread, what each tablet painted v definite colour and consists from separate vitamin A or element. Thus way can accept only necessary vitamins and exclude those, v which no needs reception pregnant woman.
- Popular among consumers complex Prognavit. But v his composition absent iodine and some other Required elements, what necessarily necessary take into account at select suitable complex.
- For women with confirmed iron anemia suitable vitamin complex Vitrum Prenatal, so how he contains increased dose gland.
- Vitamins Femibion differ unique formula easily digestible folic acid. But v his composition no gland and vitamin A A.
Synthetic vitamins possess nearby contraindications and individual intolerance. Accept their necessary cursa v 1 month with break v 2 weeks and only on appointment doctor. A right nutrition and healthy image life only add health how mom., so and kid.
During pregnancy, I was very selectively related to the vitamins, I tried to eat more correctly, but it turned out to be little .. on the fifth month I started taking 9 months to omegamama as premature childbirth. This is a peeled fish oil in capsules without a characteristic taste and smell, it was valuable for me with my toxicosis. It is important that fish oil in capsules goes from deep-sea fish that do not accumulate toxicity. Yes, and the dosage in the preparation is convenient - you need two capsules per day. All health!
It is a pity that you do not mention the pregenotone Mom. I was lucky to wear twins, so it was not to do without vitamins) advised to take such a complex and he coped perfectly with the task. A truly full-fledged composition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and micronutrients, among which iodine, iron, zinc. Folic acid in an easily absorbed form for those who have problems with this. And Omega-3 is also available in the composition. Nowhere else in other complexes have not seen such a variety and selection of components. This complex is great complements my diet, I feel cheerful, immunity in order, nothing bothers, very satisfied with vitamins.
Yes, now the complexes of vitamins have a huge amount of sale. But I have never accepted anything yourself, only on the recommendation of the doctor! By the way, my doctor advised to go to Biotelfoff's bastophy bars, they have a balanced amount of vitamins, minerals and probiotics for successful pregnancy. And while the bars are delicious, chocolate taste! I already ordered a pharmacy on the Internet, waiting when I bring!