Pregnancy placenta

Pregnancy placenta

The placenta is the embryonic body, where the baby is cozy and comfortable, it is not found for a kindergarten. Normally, it is located on the rear wall of the uterus, with the transition to the sides. Less than the placenta is located on the front wall. But sometimes this body is not attached where it is supposed to be, and thus prevents the normal development of the fetus.

Causes of the appearance of pathology

The preposition of the placenta occurs when the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterus in the wrong place. This can occur both due to problems with endometrial and due to the features of the embryo.

The risk of pathology occurs in the following cases:

  • repeated abortions, scraping and other intrauterine manipulations;
  • moma uterus;
  • endometriosis;
  • late first childbirth (after 30 years);
  • the third and more pregnancy;
  • congenital uterine development anomalies.

Danger of placenta pretext

With the normal course of pregnancy, the placenta performs the following functions:

  • Through it, the baby comes nutritious and minerals, oxygen, water, vitamins.
  • Displays the products of the fetus - urea, creatinine.
  • Protective function is performed - antibodies from the mother to the child are passed.
  • Formed for the development of hormones: hCG, placental lactogen, progesterone, prolactin and others.

With proper attachment of the placenta, all this ensures the full development of the fetus, since it is normal in places rich in blood vessels. In the case of the pathological location of the child's place, the following risks exist:

  • threat of interrupting pregnancy;
  • intrauterine hypoxia;
  • delay in the development of the fetus;
  • high risk of bleeding;
  • perhaps the true increment of the placenta to the walls of the uterus.

How to make and give a healthy baby

On the prelation of the placenta, in the case when the body is partially or completely overlapsing the generic paths. Treatment largely depends on the period of pregnancy, the presence of bleeding, the overall state of the health of the future mother. If the diagnosis is delivered in the first trimester, there are no allocations, the pregnant women can be conducted in his female consultation without direction to the hospital.

At the same time, it is necessary to comply with certain recommendations on the lifestyle:

  • minimize physical exertion;
  • abandon sexual life;
  • eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • do not visit the baths and saunas, do not take hot baths.

In the case of bleeding, regardless of the term of pregnancy, a woman is sent to the hospital for saving. Observation in the hospital occurs after 24 weeks, since the risks associated with the diagnosis increase. In the hospital, the bed regime is observed, sedatives, vitamins, antiagregants, antispasmodics are prescribed. In the event of a threat of premature births, injections are prescribed for the prevention of respiratory disorders from the baby.

With the diagnosis of "Prelation of the Placets" a woman is completely able to give birth to herself. As a rule, when the cervical disclosure of the cervix is \u200b\u200bperformed by piercing the fruit bubble. Rhodework with cesarean section are performed with the following testimony:

  • central preview of the placenta - when the generic paths are completely blocked;
  • malposition;
  • opened bleeding during the attempt of natural delivery;
  • the age of women and other factors that are an indication for cesarean, but are not directly related to the prelationship of the placenta.

The preview of the placenta is a serious pathology that is detected from 0.2-0.6% of pregnant women. If this diagnosis was given to you, it should be strictly carried out by the appointment of the attending physician, not to abandon the hospital with apparent well-being. If you comply with the recommendations, you have every chance of making a healthy baby without any complications.

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