On what day the test shows pregnancy

On what day the test shows pregnancy

Every woman planning her pregnancy wants everything to be perfect. After the alleged conception, the future mother wants to do a pregnancy test to find out the result. When should I do a pregnancy test after conception?

How does pregnancy test

Pregnancy test reveals the presence and concentration of hormone of chorionic gonadotropin, which is called HCG. This hormone in a non-heated woman is 3-5 MME / ml. After the woman became pregnant, its concentration increases 5 times. The second strip on the test reacts to the presence of HCG in the urine and manifests itself with pink color.

The use of pregnancy test must be carried out according to all the rules written in the instructions. You must take a tank for testing. It is pretty rinse and wipe dry. After the urine was inside your jar, lower the desired border to the contents and hold 10 seconds there. Take the test and put on a dry surface. The first strip is manifested immediately, and the second need to observe about 5-10 minutes. If the second strip can manifest itself very slightly, it still means a positive result.

When you need to do a pregnancy test, what day after conception

The female organism can become pregnant if the egg cell is ripe, this period is called ovulation. Ovulation occurs in a couple of weeks before the start of menstruation. However, there are no specific borders and criteria in this issue. Because all the organisms are different, there are cases of conception and 2 days before the start of menstruation, and immediately after graduation. Cases of occurrence of pregnancy in periods are not fixed and not proven.

If you are confident that you know the exact date of conception, you need to count 10 days from the moment of sexual intercourse. During this period, the pregnancy test sufficiently defines the result. In general, the production of hCG increases in the blood for the sixth day 5 times at the moment of the placenta growth. Blood analysis determines pregnancy for 6 day after fertilization.

The nature of the human body is very unpredictable. Frequently often conception of the child occurs a few days after sexual intercourse. Spermatozoa can be simply inside the genitals and a couple of days to connect with an egg. Therefore, it is impossible to be confident in the date of conception.

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