How to get pregnant for sure

How to get pregnant for sure

Pregnancy planning is a very responsible step. However, sometimes similar "plans" can not be realized in any way, and all attempts to get pregnant do not give the desired result. Do not panic and do not fall into despair! Perhaps your future kid just need to help "settle" in your tummy.

Planning a pregnancy, be sure to pass a full medical examination. Take all the tests that the gynecologist recommends you. In addition to inspection from the gynecologist, visit the dentist, therapist and some narrow specialists if you have problems in certain areas. However, it is better not to try to get pregnant during the reception of drugs. Go through the course of treatment and only after that take attempts.

Even with school benches, girls know that the most favorable period for the occurrence of pregnancy is ovulation. It is possible to calculate it with a simple arithmetic path: in women with a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on 14 days. It is an average. Therefore, one hundred percent guarantee does not give such a calculation. For confidence, it is best to take advantage of a special ovulation test for home use. So, the beginning of menstruation is the first day. For about ninth days you can hold the first test. Continue testing every day until you get a positive result.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle is an axiom. Many women begin to actively follow nutrition and well-being only after conception. This is not true. It is always necessary to treat your body to your body, and especially at the pregnancy planning stage. Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine desirable. Naladte proper nutrition in the family - eat more vitamins and protein food, fiber and dairy products. Limit itself in sweet, flour, acute. Spend more time outdoors, engaged in light exercise.

Overweight - a serious problem on the way to long-awaited pregnancy. However, harsh loss also do not contribute to conception. Get the optimal body weight so that the body is not in stressful state and has been able to perform a reproductive function.

Increased physical exertion negatively affect the body's ability to conceive. Do not give up physical education, just reduce the intensity of training. And men and women should refuse to receive anabolic drugs and various hormones. Restore the natural hormonal background.

Do not forget about the correct position during sexual intercourse. Of course, conception can occur in any, but if you have the physiological features of the structure of the reproductive system, for example, the bend of the uterus, then it is better to resort to the knee-elbow pose.

There is an opinion that for the best "move" spermatozoa to goal after sexual intercourse should be held with the folded upside down for some time. In fact, this posture will give little effect. It will be correct if you raise the pelvis by making the "birch" pose. Then the effect will be the maximum.

Remember that frequent intercourse during the ovulation period do not add chances to conceive. After all, the quality of sperm worsens with each subsequent sexual act in a short period of time. Optimally to have sex every night during ovulation, no more often.

Various lubricants also adversely affect the chances of becoming pregnant, as they destroy spermatozoa. Refrain from their use for the time "attempts."

There are many and folk methods that contribute to the offensive of long-awaited pregnancy. So, folk lycari recommend drinking sage, boring uterus and a red brush. And also to paint the weak solution of soda, which not only in candidiasis helps, but also creates the optimal medium for spermatozoa. However, any folk methods use only after consulting with a gynecologist.

Do not catch up! If you endlessly think about cycles, ovulation, eggs and spermatozoa, pregnancy is hardly faster. Doctors advise more distracted, relax and avoid stressful situations. Often absolutely healthy women cannot become pregnant because of excessive nervousness. Create a romantic atmosphere yourself and your man, and the result will not make yourself wait.

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Lola 14/06/2018 at 13:20

I would still notice the importance of verifying the health of the partner, because we, for example, could not get pregnant just because of the poor spermogram of the husband. But in principle, there is nothing terrible in this. He took the appointment of a doctor's spermplant Evalarovsky, began to eat his opposing juice from Celery every day (but where to go)), and together began to go to fitness. In the end, after about half a year, I finally got pregnant)

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