I can not get pregnant what to do

I can not get pregnant what to do

Many of us have heard thousands of stories about unplanned pregnancy. It seems that it is very simple to conceive a child - it is enough to have an unprotected sexual act. But at the same time, many women will not get pregnant. This can influence certain factors.

Bad habits. If you or your partner suffer nicotine addiction, it can be a serious obstacle to the occurrence of pregnancy. It was found that smoking poorly affects the ability to produce offspring and the body as a whole. The same applies to any drugs and "harmless" grass. Alcohol in small quantities does not significantly affect the ability of conception, but in order to increase the chances, it should be refused.

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Caffeine use. Think how many cups of coffee do you drink a day? The invigorating and fragrant drink raises the mood, but reduces fertility and leads to complications during pregnancy. It is worth noting that in addition to coffee, caffeine is contained in any tea, non-alcoholic beverages (Coca-Cola, etc.), Mate, various power engineers. Replace all this for conventional water or high-quality juices.

Incorrect meals Through three months before pregnancy, start consuling vitamins (necessarily folic acid) and balanced to eat. Turn into your diet more vegetables and fruits, vegetable proteins, fiber. If you have overweight, do it yourself. It was found that complete women could not have children due to existent kilograms.

Insufficient mobility. If you are mainly a sedentary lifestyle, you will have to change the habits. Include in your weekly dancing plan, classes in the gym or swimming. You can do home yourself and make hiking. Regular classes will raise your mood, give the body in order and beneficially affect the possibility of conception.

Depression. Poor mood and frequent stresses affect fertility. If you cannot avoid negative situations (for example, in connection with the work), learn how to relax and calm down. Practice the meditation regularly, listen to a pleasant calm music, walk in the fresh air (better in nature) and learn from controlling your condition.

Sex in adverse days. The woman is most located to conception during the period of ovulation (lasts about a week every month). Experts argue that it is preferable to have sex a few days before this period. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa live in reproductive paths about five to six days and they need to be trimmed so that any of them can fertilize the egg.

Age. In women after 35 and men, after 40 years, conception is delayed. At this age, the quality of the eggs is reduced, and the levels of hormones for fertilization may not be enough. But when conducting a healthy lifestyle and compliance with the above rules, the desired conception should occur. Age is not too serious obstacle.

Diseases. It was found out that from 20 to 30% of men have problems with a reproductive system. This can be detected by passing analyzes to seed fluid. In 25-35% of women, disruption of the thyroid gland, endometriosis or other diseases, which are also an obstacle to conception. Some couples have a reason for infertility at all can not find.

If you do everything right, but it's impossible to conceive a child, pay attention to some things. In 80% of couples, fertilization occurs due to 6 months of regular sex during the period of ovulation, in 90% after 12 months.

If you want to get pregnant, lead a healthy lifestyle and follow all of the above recommendations along with a partner. Watch your health and eliminate the diseases in time. If the child does not work out during the year, contact the partner to doctors and pass the necessary assays.

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Marfa 14/06/2018 at 13:22

I can say that even when complying with all the above rules, it cannot be pregnant, because the partner may have problems with reproductive function. We just encountered it, my husband had a bad sperm quality, because of this, all attempts to conceive a child were not crowned with success. But after treatment, I quickly got pregnant quickly)) I took the spermplant (by the way, I ordered a phytomarket in the online store), threw out overweight and began to eat right)) All this went good

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Oksana 13/05/2021 at 15:46.

My either, too, is not all good in the analysis of the spermogram, so the doctor recommended the course of Aktiprt-Andro to commemorate. Power review and exclude harmful habits, beer, cigarettes, fast food to the maximum. He complied with all the recommendations, but we switched to the purchase of real estate and after three months I got pregnant) Many say it is necessary to turn off the head, but I think everything helped)

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