How to conceive a boy

How to conceive a boy

Almost every man secretly dreams of a son - the last extension of a kind and carrier of the family last name, so the question of the conception of a child's child is very relevant for many.

One of the most reliable methods promising the maximum probability of conception of the boy is considered a calendar method that is based on ovulation, that is, the bottom of the monthly cycle of a woman, when its body is fully ready for conception. The principle of this method is that spermatozoa, which are carriers of the U-chromosome, less survivors in comparison with the X chromosomes, so you can get pregnant with a boy on the day of ovulation itself or 20 hours before it starts.

The posture is quite important, during which the baby is conceived. After all, the most important thing is that the sperm penetrates as deeply as possible, and those spermatozoa, which is carrying the men's gene, had more chances to "survive" and get to the egg. Suitable in this case will be poses, when a man is behind or a woman from above. It is also desirable that a representative of the weak gender to experience an orgasm during intimate relationships, because it is formed an alkaline environment that is not entirely favorable for X-sperm.

There is also a fairly accurate and easy-to-use Japanese child definition table, or rather, two tables. They will help to know when the best way to plan the conception of a boy, using only data on the month of parents of parents. The first table horizontally indicates the months of birth of a future mother, and vertically - the Father. At their intersection, you need to find the number with which you should go to the second table. Under a certain column with it and are listed months to conceive a boy or a girl. It is worth choosing "male" months, because it is during this period the maximum probability of the birth of a son.

Of course, a 100% probabilities can not give one methods, because the genetics of parents, the state of their health, and even the way of life, is also influenced by the child's conception of the child, but why not try each of them and embody the dream of a husband who dreams of her son.

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