How to wash a newborn boy

How to wash a newborn boy

Personal hygiene is important for each child with diapers. And if the girls are not so often there are questions, then boys can put parents in a dead end due to their physiology. How to bathe a boy?

Bat a child daily. For water procedures, special children's soaps, herbs (a series, chamomile, sage) are suitable. Use only a children's series so as not to cause allergic reactions. Children up to 3 months can be bathed simply in herbs, thereby eliminating the diameters and irritation. Soap can be used in case of washing after defecation.

Bathing a newborn boy need water, the temperature of which + 36.6 ° C. Determine this with a thermometer or a "grandmother" in the way, dipping the elbow into the water. In the future, the kid will tell himself at what temperature it is better. One like the warmer, the other is cooler. As for that - whether water is boiling, it is desirable in the first month. In the future, everything will depend on the quality of water, which flows from the crane.

The child is better not to wipe with a towel, but to dip. Soap, towel and urine should only be baby. Do not allow even older children to use them.

Wash the genitals very neatly! Try so that the soap does not fall on the head of the member. In no case do not touch the extreme flesh (do not move, do not turn away and do not try to climb there) to wash everything that is hidden! This is fraught with serious consequences whose results may require surgical intervention. Extreme flesh itself will start separating at that time when the time comes. Hygiene in this place is supported by a special, natural lubricant. Wash all folds, penis hold your hands. You should not direct a strong jet of water, better water from the bucket.

Like a bathe newborn baby

If you are afraid for the first time to bathe a child yourself, ask the patronage nurse to help you. Or trust the most reliable and caring hands - the hands of our grandmothers.


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