How to choose a stroller

How to choose a stroller

For the first sight seemsWhat to choose a stroller is simple. Manufacturers offer a wide range of models for any purpose, conditions and with different price category. But in practice, young parents face great number Unresolved questions: how to choose a practical one reliable, Comfortable for baby stroller and do not overpay for unnecessary excesses?

For Beginning need clearly Determine the terms of use of the stroller: the climatic features of the region, price framework, additional possible difficulties presence of ramps, elevator dimensions, personal preferences and t. D.. Relying on the information, narrow the search for the search and compare options.

Types of wheelchairs:

  • Strollers prednasy for newborn up to 8 months. Usually classic shape with cast or frame cradle. Manufacturers pay special attention to the quality and convenience of cradle: orthopedic, often with thermoregulation. Price Category high, and very soon have to Buy the stroller of another species for the grown kid. Won popularity in the market strollers PEG-PEREGO, Inglesinaclassica.
  • Pleasure strollers divide on heavy and lightweight. Designed for children from 8 months to 3 years. In many models, the back is regulated, there are reliable Safety belts and bumper for safe kid transport. Strollers are distinguished maneuverability, low weight. V heavy Pleasure wheelchairs reliable wheels, most often octal united Two two with front rotating. TO lightweight Views include strollers-canes. They weigh from 1.5 to 5 kg. Easily fold in the form of canes. Unusable For operating in B. autumn-Winter period because dont Have sufficient protection against bad weather, unstable, not Adjusts the position of the back. Manufacturers: Zekiwaaluspace, SilvercrossFizzVogue.
  • Universal strollers consist of a frame, cast cradle and a pleasure block. Up to 8 months use frame cradle, and then on her Place put a walking block. Wide selection of models, prices and additional equipment. The disadvantage of such a type of strollers is that metal Frame and view wheel, depreciation cannot simultaneously match necessary requirements And for the cradle, and for the stroller.
  • Transformers are folded in the shape of a bed and a pleasure block. Most often in the set cT VKhodita soft portable cradle or mattress for stroller. Such shape and material of the cradle do not correspond to orthopedic standards for newborn. But the savings are evident - the stroller is used from birth to 3 years. Strollers weigh about 15 kg and possess a small maneuverabilitybut perfectly tolerate winter drifts and icebed. Most models are equipped with a cake handle.


  • When choosing a stroller, you need to pay attention to weight: heavy The stroller is more durable, but also the frame from aluminum It has sufficient strength to use for its intended purpose, and weighs much less.
  • For the manufacture of wheelchairs often used Polyester fabric. She has such properties like Strength, waterproofability, thermal insulation. In more expensive models to polyester materials add cotton or linen.
  • Depreciation is important for kid's comfort. In most models, the spring is installed vertically. This position contributes to a soft move and protect the stroller. Horizontal space located creates the effect cradle - Convenient to point the baby. This type of depreciation produces the ROAN MARITA brand, Taco Acoustic.

An important element when choosing a carriage is wheels. From them reliability Depends on the service life of strollers and safety child. Between wheels is 60. 65 cm. There are inflatable wheels. They soften the move, but require pouring and replacement. Foamed rubber wear-resistant and reduces weight stroller on 2 3 kg, but in icebed Unstable. Strollers have from 3 to 8 wheel (dual). The more wheelTop sustainable stroller. Maneuverability have strollers with front swivel wheels. Fixed wheels malomerenerenBut in winter bad weather is much rushing.

Additional amenities:

  • With the help of a cake handle of a newborn, you can turn to my mother, and sustaine The baby needs an overview of the surrounding world - it is necessary to expand the stroller in the course of the movement. With wind and non-weather you can easily change the position.
  • The deeper the hood, the better it protects child From the sun, rain and wind. The hood is desirable for the presence of an observation and ventilation window, adjusting the hood.
  • Adjustable back allows you to lay a stroller for sleep and return the chair.
  • Thermoregulation is available in high-end models of wheelchairs. It consists of air vents that can be adjusted depending on weather conditions.
  • Handy feature is the ability to wheelchairs her folding. This stroller is convenient to store in an apartment and transport in the car. But these strollers can break at the fold, less strong.

Accessories to complete wheelchair will be convenient and practical addition:

  • carry-cot can be used as a crib in the journey;
  • child seat - an obligatory tool for transportation newborn in car;
  • raincoat weather protection not only childBut the very carriage;
  • mosquito net to protect the baby from insects, but will not prevent the penetration of air;
  • removable table will comfortably feed the baby or take exciting toy while walking;
  • basket and bag should be roomy - for the kid to put napkins, food, extra diapers, and grown- to kid necessarily need to walk the ball, a doll, a tractor, bucket and many other necessary things.

Choose a stroller according to the needs and opportunities. The kid will feel comfortable and protected in the net wheelchair, Warmed by a warm and caring parents.

Comments leave a comment
Tomochka 03.16.2015 at 17:07

Why reversible handle? Nasva vsoe time advised against taking a stroller. Anex c vozmozhnosstyu offered to put the blocks facing the mother and naobort to the street. Demonstrating the advantages of this design.

Oksana 04.27.2016 at 16:50

So I do not understand why reversible handle. In most cases, because it can smeschatsya center of gravity and the stroller can oprokidyvatsya. We also took the opportunity to rearrange the blocks. By the way, we have a stroller too firm Anex. She is great!

Maria 11.20.2016 at 18:30

Yes, yes, stroller Anex simply gorgeous, already several times to go for a walk. Goes smoothly, just could not get enough. The cradle places your child enough, there is a special mattress, in general, satisfied with the purchase.


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