What things to take with you in the hospital

What things to take with you in the hospital

Fees in the maternity hospital are always a bit tedious, but very trembling. First of all, we think about what you need a crumb, forgetting about yourself. Let's find out what is important to take in the maternity hospital, and what will surely be superfluous.

When you get into the prenatal, with yourself must have:

  1. Passport, photocopy of passport, insurance certificate of pension insurance.
  2. Map with the results of all prenatal analyzes, completed in advance, insurance medical policy, a generic certificate, contract for childbirth with a hospital (or contract), direction from the gynecologist, if a woman falls in advance. If the card with the analyzes is not filled or filled not to the end, the fever will be sent to the infectious compartment.
  3. Comfortable (and winter is also also warm) slippers, a spacious night shirt, socks at will.
    As for the generic certificate, it is presented at the request of the medical institution, but is not obligatory. That is, it can be provided later, if they require, or the hospital employees will independently request it.

If your Hero's husband and agreed to be in childbirth, in this case it will take a certificate of his health and passport. Of course, the hero will need to feed a little after stress. But the diet is better to specify in advance with the medical staff, because not all products are allowed to bring to the hospital. As for the woman itself, it is not desirable to eat before childbirth.

In the maternity ward you need the following things:

  1. Bathrobe, pajamas, socks, sneakers. As for underwear, you immediately take a special leafer for feeding and panties with a mesh so that the body can breathe.
  2. Items for personal hygiene: soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, toilet paper, wet wipes for intimate hygiene, 3-4 towels, hygienic gaskets designed for maximum absorption (now there are special for fen), comb, hairpins and gum for owners Long hair. If you do not plan to eat in the maternity hospital, in this case, bring a plate, a cup, a spoon, fork and a kitchen knife.
  3. Additionally, you may need cream for nipples against cracks, absorbing pads for the breast in case the milk will be too many, laxative candles or laxative on herbs. You can take your enema. It is worth putting a small souma of money even if you have a contract. They may be needed for trips to the pharmacy for the ending or forgotten personal hygiene.
  4. The products should not take right away. It is better to say to relatives that the doctor allowed to bring. You can also be shattered in the dining room hospital.
  5. Organize your free time, because the baby does not yet require every minute. Be sure to fold into your maternity bag charger for the phone. Additionally, you can take a magazine, a book, crossword. If there are no restrictions in the maternity hospital, then feel free to take the camera and the camcorder. The mobile phone will not work so well to capture the first days of life.

For the kid, you will need: cotton wands, baby soap, diapers (do not buy them immediately with huge packs, because not everyone is equally fit). As for clothing and additional care products, it all must provide you in the maternity hospital. It will only require clothing for extracting, which should be thoroughly washed and stroke at high temperatures. You can immediately take with you, but simply cook in advance so that the husband does not seek later. If you are not sure that the hospital will provide all things and medicines, specify this question before you go to the maternity hospital.

What you do not need to take: cosmetics, perfume, deodorants, drugs. All this can cause allergies to the baby.

So that fewer is turmoil, collect everything you need in advance, in a relaxed atmosphere, so you can safely go and give birth, and not run around the apartment in search of the right one. Easy and painless childbirth!

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