How to breathe in childbirth

How to breathe in childbirth

Proper breathing during childbirth will provide full oxygen access to the child, remove the muscle tension and the concern of the guinea, contributes to a smooth and less painful opening of the cervix. Therefore, learning "tribal breathing" is the mandatory content of the programs for the preparation of the future mother for the appearance of the baby.

 It is possible to learn correct breath during childbirth, both at special courses for women's consultation and at home, I use video lessons. Doctors recommend starting classes for 3-4 months to alleged childbirth to achieve automatism of movements. At the first workouts, symptoms of hyperventilation may occur: dizziness, nausea, numbness of the fingers. In this case, it is necessary to relax or quietly breathe "in the palm". Then continue the classes.

Generic activity consists of several stages, each of which is recommended to comply with certain respiratory techniques. At the first stage of labor, the future mother may not yet be in the hospital, as the contractions are not too painful. Now it is worth the task of maximizing the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus to facilitate the natural process of disclosing its neck and reduce painful sensations. During this period, it is impossible to worry, clamping - this will lead to the reflex compression of the muscles of the uterus, slowdown natural delivery process, reducing pain. A woman is recommended at this stage to make a short breath and a long calm exhalation through the lips folded by the "tube". The inhalation should be half the length of exhalation.

 The contractions have become regular and intense - at this stage, obstetricians are asking for a woman in labor to breathe in the type of "dogs": short frequent breaths, wherein parted his mouth and his tongue hanging out. Do not worry about how you look in this moment - focus all its attention and efforts to help the baby in the birth. When deletion of a head of the baby to the birth canal and disclosure The cervix helps such respiratory techniques as the "train" and "strangling candles". The first technique is carried out using a long exhalation, broken into several parts. The second involves imitating a stuff of a candle in exhalation. The technique "Balloon" helps the baby go down to the pelvic bottom. It is performed as follows: exhale air into a closed fist, overcoming resistance.

 The most responsible period of childbirth is coming. Thanks to the "generic" breathing, various complications and pain symptoms can be avoided. With the right conduct of the generic activity, the child will appear on the light of 3-4 sweat. Therefore, it is extremely important to make every effort in this period of childbirth. Apply the following respiratory technique:

  1. After a deep breath, delay your breath and start sticking out, pushing the baby. Direct the voltage in the pelvis area. Otherwise, vessels on the face and eyes can be used and such efforts will not bring any benefit in generic activity, but only add fatigue to the woman in labor. On the sweat can be run sound « and-and-and"Or" growl ".
  2. After the muscle tension of the crotch quickly breathe and relax For a few seconds, gathering with the forces.
  3. Repeat the technique. For one fight you need to try to perform up to 4 such fence.
  4. Not in all cases it is necessary that such a scheme of action. Depending on the promotion of the child in the generic paths, his heartbeat, the state of the femoirs, the doctors determine and lead the process of performing breathing techniques. Be sure to listen to their recommendations.

 The most responsible task is behind - thanks to your efforts, the baby was born! It remains to give birth to "kindergarten". At this stage, childbirth is advised to breathe as at bills. Accelerates the process shake Abdomen with dusting.

The course of generic activity is difficult to predict. Therefore, in the process important Not so much to adhere to the rules of breathing, how much to feel the condition of your body and baby. It is impossible to learn this. Each future mother, being in an intimate process of the child's appearance, at the subconscious level understands how to behave during a certain period. Births must flow as much as possible. naturally, obeying only the laws of nature.

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