Shortly before childbirth, every woman feels their approach in their own way. However, nature provides precursors who can accurately say that the process is about to begin. One of the similar precursors is a plug that comes out before childbirth. This phenomenon can happen a few weeks before delivery, sometimes in a few days, and in some cases - immediately before childbirth. So how is the traffic jam?
From the moment of the birth of a new life inside the body of a woman, a cervical mucus, which produces cervical cells, thickened. Over time, dense blood clots arises, which closes the entrance to the uterus. Thanks to traffic jam, the child is securely protected inside from any impacts outside. But this kind of "entrance" in the uterus should be open before childbirth, releasing the child.
The process of dulling the plug looks like the release of a dense mucus or a clot from the vagina of a woman. This mucus (cork) can have a white shade, yellowish or reddish-pinky. Quite often, the cork may contain blood, bodies or impurities, since during the extension of the neck the smallest capillaries burst. However, the traffic jam sometimes happens and transparently clean.
The mucous plug is capable of emerging both parts and completely. When it turns out completely, its volume is approximately two tablespoons. When parts - it has the type of selection before or after menstruation, only more mucous. During this process, you can feel the overall pain in the field of the lower abdomen or weak pressure.
When a plug was allocated, the woman inherine is recommended not to travel from home, as the childbirth can begin at any time. You can also begin to collect things into the maternity hospital and prepare for the appearance of the baby.
If the cork is accompanied by a scarlet red blood, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. In addition, if after dismaying the traffic jams, the birth did not begin after 2 weeks, it should also be referred to as a specialist.
The main task of a pregnant woman in the last time is to follow your body and signals that he sends her. Careful attitude towards himself and the future kid, love and care of loved ones are the key to successful childbirth.
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