How the stomach is lowered before childbirth

How the stomach is lowered before childbirth

Pregnancy - the most exciting and wonderful time for every woman. When a few days remain before childbirth, a woman begins to look for signs of approaching birth. Signs of the beginning of childbirth are several. One of the main is the omission of the belly of pregnant.

When the stomach is lowered before childbirth

The stomach before childbirth changes differently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a woman. The primary belly falls 1-2 weeks to the upcoming birth, and repeatedly can fall in several days or hours before childbirth. It also happens that the belly may not fall. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • undelustion of the abdominal wall muscles in a woman;
  • large child;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • incorrect prevention of the fetus.

How the belly is lowered during pregnancy

With the approach of childbirth, the woman's body undergo many changes. By the end of pregnancy in the body, a hormone relaxin is produced, which relaxes all ligaments and muscles, preparing them for childbirth. The lower part of the uterus before childbirth becomes plastic and stretched. Subsequently, the baby falls at the bottom of the abdomen, his head is tightly pressed to the entrance to a small pelvis.

The height of the uterus is lowered by 3-4 centimeters. At the same time, women may notice that:

  • the shape of the abdomen changed - it became gentle and shown on top;
  • between the breast and the belly easily fasten the palm;
  • it becomes easier to breathe;
  • heartburn and nausea disappears;
  • pressure appears on the abdomen;
  • study urination.

What to do if the belly dropped

  • First of all, inform your doctor.
  • Start cooking "alarming suitcase" in the maternity hospital.
  • Decide on the choice of a maternity institution and a specialist who will behave.

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