Harbingers of birth at primible

Harbingers of birth at primible

The occurrence of childbirth Each mother is waiting with trepidation, because the long-awaited baby will appear, and the pregnancy will finally end with all the inconveniences of the situation. When this is the first in life, childbirth, ignorance scares and is alarming. The more the future mother knows how childbirth goes, how to recognize their approach, the more confident he feels.

What is generic harbingers?

The harbingers of childbirth - the bells that the body serves pregnant to notify the immediate onset of the long-awaited point.

These are targeted processes that occur in the body of a future mother to prepare her body to the beginning of childbirth.


Why do harbingers of childbirth arise?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, the body is rebuilt. In the cervix there are changes, the purpose of which is to prepare for approaching generic activity.

Hormonal background of women changes. Instead of actively developing progesterone, as it was before, the body worries in favor of an increase in estrogen. If the progesterone was just needed to preserve the pregnancy, the estrogen function is completely the opposite - to stimulate generic activities.


Harbingers of childbirth, noticeable future mom

Let us consider each of the harbingers who prevent future mom about the approach of generic activity.

Looking pain at the bottom of the abdomen

The first harborers serve small laundering pain at the bottom of the abdomen. The people are called "false fights". In contrast to these bouts, the frequency of so-called training false kits is not regular, and the intensity does not grow with each subsequent fight, but gradually subsides.

Abdominal pain

Outstanding belly

The desired tummy serves as a signal of the speedy approach.

This is due to the anatomical features that occur when the baby is preparing to appear. The child's head is lowered below, in the area of \u200b\u200ba small pelvis. Accordingly, the upper part of the uterus is also lowered, after which the future mother is made easier to breathe, since the uterus is not so intensively pressed on the internal organs.

Slept the tummy


The lower part of the fruit bubble in front of childbirth is slightly separated from the walls of the uterus. This can cause small allocations.

Special attention should be paid to the nature and intensity of the selection, as they can serve as a precursor of childbirth and a signal of violations. Blood intense allocations - reason to consult a doctor.

The mucous-succulent discharge is not terrible. They appear when the cervix opens. There may be small damage to the capillaries, which is not dangerous.

When watery or any other discharges are much, they can be a signal of water leakage - amniotic fluid, which is a signal to go to the doctor's inspection.


Lower weight

Recent weeks before childbirth, weight is reduced by 1-2 kg. A sharp weight loss is caused by a decrease in tissue puffiness.

Dispatch mucosa tube

A lump of gel mucus goes over several hours or even days before the occurrence of birth directly. However, its rejection can not be noted at all if the process occurs during the adoption of the shower or visits to the toilet.

The appearance of the plug can resemble a lump of mucus, a diameter of a couple of centimeters. But can leave parts. Color - from colorless to beige, yellowish or pink, possibly with insignificant streams of blood.
The plug closes the cervix from various kinds of infections. If the plug has moved, you need to be extremely careful - not to take baths, it is desirable not to lead a more intimate life if this is still continued until this point.


Posture, back pain or hip joints

When the uterus is lowered, the center of gravity is slightly shifted. It can affect the posture. When walking, I want to throw the shoulders back, the gait resembles the "opener".

In addition, the bones of hip joints are somewhat diverged. Sometimes it is accompanied by minor pain.


Frequent trips to the toilet

The closer the childbirth, the most often the urination occurs, and the chall sound may occur. This is caused by the movement of the fruit bubble in a small pelvis.


Harbingers of childbirth visible only by doctors

During the inspection, if there is a need for this, the inspection of the genital organs can be appointed.
The cervix before childbirth will change the changes. Typically, the cervix has a view of a tubule, diena about 4 cm. Both ends - holes of about the same size. Before childbirth, the baby head is adjacent to the inside of the cervix, this part of the neck is expanding and as if it opens, leaving the tube with a size of only 1-2 cm. The opening from the outside is now well noticeable - the patency of the finger.

So, during the approach of childbirth, the gynecologists measure the disclosure - from 1 to 10 fingers. The discovery of 10 fingers speaks of readiness for the beginning of the generic activity.


Latest harbingers of birth

Regular fights

Real contractions first are barely noticeable, then begin to increase their intensity and can be quite painful. The interval between the fights is 10-15 minutes. Duration - a few seconds. The closer childbirth, the less the interval between the fights, before childbirth it reaches about a minute.

The scaffold duration can also increase. If the first lasts a few seconds, the latter can be about 45-60 seconds.

If the interval between the fights is for less than five minutes - the reason to go to the hospital.

Powering of spindle water

When the cervix almost opened, the oily waters are poured. It is possible to exhibit waters earlier. Sometimes it is not complete, but the partial extinguishing of water is the so-called leakage. Exterior of water - any, always reason to go to the hospital.

Do not notice that the water has moved away - it is impossible. Usually, this is a fairly large amount of fluid, which is poured almost at a large flow of transparent liquid.

Green water can be a sign of oxygen starvation of the fetus.

In maternity hospital

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