How pregnant women depart

How pregnant women depart

With the approach of the cherished date, each mother feels anxious and excitement. All women who expect a baby for the first time, are afraid to miss the forerunners of the beginning of labor. However, gynecologists hurry to reassure future feminine and argue that it is impossible not to notice the resulting generic process. Even with a rapidly developing delivery, a woman will surely feel that the long-awaited moment has come.

How pregnant women depart - timing

The debit of accumulating waters can happen on any period of pregnancy, but the most favorable time is the period from 38 to 40 weeks, it is at that time a baby is considered to be completely matured and prepared for the appearance of on the light. The ideal extinguishing of water is considered to be at the first fights, they literally tear the walls of the air bubble and pushed the liquid outward. After that, the interval between spasms is reduced, and pregnant gives birth. But the rupture of the airbag can occur before the start of the battle, in this case, water is considered premature. Doctors spend a stimulation of childbirth, if the separation of the uterus and the beginning of the battle does not occur within 12 hours.

How pregnant women depart - view and color

The future mother must be familiar with how the amniotic fluid looks like in the norm, it is according to its composition, a smell and color determines the general condition and the health of the kid. So, the flowing oily water should have only a transparent or slightly yellowish color.

  • The liquid of muddy-green color indicates a lack of oxygen in the baby.
  • Water with blood streaks indicate the initial stage of the placenta detachment. If their form is significantly different from the indicators - urgently call the ambulance brigade.

The liquid of the fruit bubble has a slightly sweet smell and sometimes it is possible to detect the presence of white flakes - parts of the primary baby lubrication, which is not considered a deviation.

How pregnant women depart - the number of accumulating waters

  • A fetal bubble can break through at any time and catch the female in any situation. Often the beginning of the generic activity and the extinguishing of water occurs during the night sleep when the abdominal walls are tense. Such an exemption is difficult to confuse, since the amount of water is quite voluminous - from 200 to 300 ml. In this case, a woman is not observed painful and unpleasant sensations.
  • In the period of wakefulness, the woman inherine feels the severity at the bottom of the belly, after which the light inner cotton or the feeling of the inner break.
  • Also, the fruit bubble can be broken in the upper part of the uterus or on the side, as a result of this, the liquid will go out in small portions. In this case, the future mother can be confused and confused amniotic fluid with urinary incontinence or abundant white. To determine correctly, you need to try to delay the selection, as with urination act. If the flow does not stop, then these are oily water. For complete calm, you can use test strips reacting to amniotic fluid with an accuracy of 98%.

Water moved away what to do?

The situation, the quantity and quality of the deployed waters should not affect the behavior of the future mothers - it is necessary to immediately notify your gynecologist about the event that happened and urgently go to the maternity hospital. It is also necessary to accurately record the time of influence. It is necessary in order to correctly count the time of the baby's stay in an anhydrous space. Russian gynecologists argue that the interval should not exceed 12 hours, in European countries this period is extended to the day. When childbirth occur later than the established gap, because of oxygen starvation, the child may develop irreversible input violations.

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