How does smoking affect pregnancy

How does smoking affect pregnancy

In the modern world there is hardly a person who does not know about the dangers of smoking. About this we carefully inform terrifying pictures on packs of cigarettes, television advertising and various posters. For smoking women, pregnancy is not only long-awaited happiness, but sometimes not a slight test. Indeed, first of all, it is necessary to find strength in itself and forget about all its bad habits for the time of tooling and feeding the kid. Nevertheless, there are mothers who think that it is not necessary to refuse cigarettes. Let's consider in the article all the facts testifying to "for" or "against" nicotine addiction.

How does smoking affect pregnancy

Everyone knows about the negative impact of nicotine on the health and human body as a whole. When inhalation of tobacco smoke, all 12 vital systems suffer, depleted and eventually cease to function normally.

During pregnancy, smoking has a harmful effect in doubly, since together with mom, the smoke breathes her not yet born baby. In addition, scientists determined - the concentration of nicotine in the blood of the fetus, in the Torah of the Torah times the nicotine content in the blood of the mother. After 8-10 minutes after the recovered cigarette, the child becomes sharpened in the cropped uterus, it begins to choke from incoming in huge portions - resins, carbon monoxape, benzapiren and toxic substances. Conclusion - tiny child comes to the path of the smokers, not even time to be born.

Consequences of smoking during pregnancy

With the next mother's "tightening", the child is experiencing a huge stafing of oxygen (like in the suffocation), pain in the head and convulsions. It is for this reason that the smoking women have miscarriages, not docking or sick children are born. Further future of kids spending 9 months in tobacco smoke is not too rainbow - allergies, problems with conception, asthma, lagging in development, frequent colds, mental or physical deviations.

Of course, many who read this article will begin to give examples when their neighbor, familiar or girlfriend smoked all the pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy child.

First, these cases do not mean that smoking during pregnancy passed without a trace. The irreversible consequences may come at an older age - the child will start going to go later, saying, it will be bad to memorize the poems and letters in the kindergarten, and in school he will have bad performance. Secondly, smoking during pregnancy it is like in the "Russian Roulette" - you will not be lucky. Only in this case, the life and health of their own child is worth it.

Effect of smoking for pregnancy - myths

One of the most frequent misconceptions: "Smoking is not such a harmful occupation" - we have already denied: some more harmful! Therefore, it is better to get rid of dependence on the planning stage.

The next people's myth: "If a woman smoked before pregnancy, then when pregnancy is better not to throw - too much stress for the baby and the body." In this issue, doctors converge in one opinion - smoking need to be thrown on any time, and the earlier, the better it will be for the child.

Some women despite the awareness of harm from entering nicotine, they still cannot finally quit the habit. In this case, they decide to switch to "super light" cigarettes, considering that there is less harmful to the child. But, in reality, self-deception occurs - in order to fill the usual nicotine dose, the mother begins to make deeper tightening or smoke more cigarettes.

Latest delusion is an purchase dear cigarette, hoping, what they consist from more quality tobacco, from whom originates less harmful substances. Open to you not big secrettobacco in all cigarette practically same, price bucket depends only from brand. So, at solution refuse from nicotine forever, need to speak with beloved habitv one moment.

Influence of smoking during early pregnancy

The first weeks and months of pregnancy are the most important during the birth of the fetus. At this time, all important life bodies are formed. Their proper development is completely dependent on sufficient flow of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients from the placenta. Smoking woman, together with this, feeds the crumb nicotine, poison and different harmful substances.

Unfortunately, not all women go at the slightest delay in women's advice and recognize the cause. As a rule, the smoking mother learns about pregnancy for 6-8 weeks, when the baby is already stronger than Nicotine poison. In this case, the main thing is not to worry, talk about the problem of a gynecologist, immediately quit smoking, and go through the first screening of 12 weeks. If ultrasound and analyzes are good, consider what your baby is very lucky.

How does smoking affect during pregnancy in late terms

Smoking at 34-40 weeks becomes not just bad it becomes a threat to the life of the mother and the child. On this time, it seems just an ordinary cigarette, can cause:

  • Premature pairing placenta - severe bleeding, provoking the beginning of premature birth. In this case, the delivery is possible only by urgent cesarean sections.
  • Violation of the functions of the lungs - when the baby appears, the kid will not make an independent first breath.
  • The development of gestosis (late toxicosis) is accompanied by a severe complication, unlike early.

In addition, smoking, along with the use of drugs and alcohol, can cause the intrauterine death of the baby.

Think, do you need all these difficulties. It is never too late to quit smoking, they say that the most difficult period is considered the first 24 hours, the main thing will endure and not give slack. Smoke or spread with this bad habit forever - the case of each of you. But it should be remembered that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the health of the future child.

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