How to find out the floor of the child on the early period of pregnancy on the table

How to find out the floor of the child on the early period of pregnancy on the table

How only female find out o volume, what inside hERE appeared life, her straightaway same tormented question « Boy or girl?». Everything want know floor child  on early data pregnancy, to cook all to birth kid: bed., stroller and clothes. To know, some colors and type must to be toys. That li buy dresses with ryushami lightpink tonah, then li pants and shirts v blue shades. On early data pregnancy on Ultrasound impossible define floor crughters, consider floor kid with help ultrasound research can only on 4-6 month pregnancy and to tom same error not excluded. But despite on this is, floor child on early catch can define different methods.

How to find out the floor of the child on the early life on the table update and blood group

If you want to to know,  boy or girlthat fashion, then occasion v first queue o methodology updates blood.

W. representatives great floor process updates blood observed everyone 3 of the year, a w. men.everyone 4 of the year. Outside from of this, on moment conception w. whomthen from parents blood was younger, respectivelyw. whom blood younger, togo floor and will child. For example: woman23 of the year, men31. it means, what w. women blood updated two of the year back, a w. men updated v it is year, then there is blood pope younger and will boy.

Turning attention on this method and already beginning think, consider not it was li sudden updates: operation, bleeding, donation.

To to know, by whom born baby on group blood, necessary know group blood future mom. and pope. For example: w. mothers 2 group blood, w. father3. table foreshadow birth malcishes.

Define floor child on rhesusfactor parents  so same simply. Example: w. future mom. rhesus «+», a w. father – «-», then costs wait girl.

How to find out the floor of a child on an early time on the Japanese table

This way prost, consists he from two tables. V table №  1 necessary define code number, a v table 2.floor child. Everything enough simply, although with first view seems, what at all vice versa. Let's disagree.

  • For togo  to define code number, necessary know month birth future father and mothers. From month birth pope necessary conduct line way down, and from month mom. horizontal lineFor example: month birth mom. and popethis is october. Perform relevant lines and receive number, that uS necessary, v ours examplethis is number10.

  • Go to next table. For definitions perform line from code numbers (up) to month conception. How more cross, thread rather result. On example month conception is an july, respectively, costs wait boy.

How to find out the floor of the child at an early time on the Chinese table

This table counts one from ancient tables this roda. V China approve, what forecast tables verne on 100%, but reviews modern mommy sticky o volume, what there are and promahi, but at all infrequent. By counting researchers, table verna on 98% and this is not few.

For togo to calculate floor kid v first trimester pregnancy on chinese table, necessary know age mothers on moment conception and month conception kid. For example: v moment conception future mom. 23 of the year, month conception is an 7 month (july), perform one stripe on table, will boy.

4) How to find out the floor of the child on an early time on Table Vangi

Known, what Wang. was verna v of their predictions, but costs take into account then, what this table massed not Wang., a her pupil. No accurate information o loyalty this tables. table Vangi. loomed on that, o which we spoke above. Here so same necessary know age mothers and month conception. Example: future mom. on moment conception 23, month conception july. Relevant lines perform on table, it turns out, what future babyboy.

Pregnancy is the most fabulous and exciting period in the life of every woman. And for no matter how much you wanted to find out the floor of the future baby, it will still be a mystery before his birth. After all, no table, like an ultrasound, does not give a 100% answer about this. Seeing your little miracle, you will forget about all calculations and predictions.

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