Pregnancy and childbirth payments - what are there

Pregnancy and childbirth payments - what are there

Our state, showing care of young mothers and their children, supports the law «About state benefits to citizens having children ». Due to this, there are many one-time and monthly payments.

As soon as the woman was finally convinced of her pregnancy, should not be tightened with an appeal to the female consultation. In addition to observing doctors and the provision of free vitamins and medicines, a one-time payment for registration of up to 12 weeks is relying. This amount is 515 rubles for 2014. Requires a certificate from a medical institution and application.

Here you can download Application for the appointment of benefits for early registration.

If a woman in the position is a spouse of the Military, who was called into service, then the management of social protection of the population will write it a one-time allowance in the amount of 21761 rubles. After 6 months of pregnancy, it is necessary to provide a marriage certificate, a certificate of registration and certificate from the military unit, at the mainstream of the husband's service.


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After 30 weeks of pregnancy in the clinic, simultaneously with a sheet of disability issued a generic certificate. It consists of three coupons, two of which pay for medical services for women's consultation and maternity hospital. The third is designed to pay a child's dispensary up to the year.

Pregnancy benefits are charged by employed pregnant women with a policy of compulsory social insurance. The amount of the benefit is set in the amount of 100% of the average wage for the previous two years. For 2014, the minimum amount of 206840 rubles for one child and 140 decree days for one child and 140 decree days. If the childbirth was complex, then the size of the hospital increases to 156 days, and the amount is up to 230479 rubles. At the birth of two or more children, a woman receives 286621 rubles and 194 days.

The amount of one-time benefit at the birth of a child is equal to 13742 rubles for 2014. For its design, prepare a certificate that was issued in the registry office when registering a child, his birth certificate, certificates from the place of work of the second parent that he did not receive this payment earlier. If the spouse does not work, then a similar reference is taken into Uzzn. Well, the application for the appointment of benefits is useful.

Here you can download Application for the appointment of a one-time allowance at the birth of a child.

In the case of the birth of a second child, and each subsequent mother is issued maternity capital in the amount of 428408 rubles. The possibility of its use is limited. It is possible to spend this money to kindergarten and training, improvement of housing conditions, including a mortgage fee and construction, as well as at the expense of the mother's pension.

There is also a monthly childcare allowance to 1.5 years. It is calculated, based on the average earnings for the previous 2 years before pregnancy. The minimum amount of payments on the first child is 2576 rubles and on the second 5153 rubles.

Each woman who had in an interesting position should learn in advance about various regional programs. Many areas support additional promotions and payments to help pregnant, women in labor and young mothers.

Download Sample fill Application for the provision of child care benefits.

Almost all of the above allowances and certificates are issued no later than 6 months after the birth of the child and are paid 10 days after submitting applications.

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