What is social payments

What is social payments

The Russian Federation is a social state, in accordance with all the material benefits are redistributed on the principle of social justice. The state regulates the economy, develops a variety of social programs, improves social legislation in order to maximize each citizen equal as possible for further life and provide support for socially unprotected population.

Social policy of the state is expressed in social security, which among other things provides for the implementation of various social benefits. Social payments are monetary accruals to citizens who are carried out by state bodies from the state budget in order to maintain a worthy standard of living of these citizens. Legal regulation of social protection of the population, including cash payments, is carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.


Social payments may be one-time, monthly, annual. Their list includes a variety of benefits, compensation, benefits, pensions, for example:

  • monetary benefits for women and families in connection with pregnancy, childbirth, education and care of children;
  • benefits to participants in hostilities, disabled and workers of war, the families of military personnel;
  • payments to citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of an accident on Chernobylsk NPPs;
  • payments to honorary citizens, donors;
  • manuals in disability and unemployment;
  • scholarships, etc.


The pension is called a monthly monetary manual, which is paid for the following reasons: achieving retirement age, disability, the loss of the breadwinner. When calculating the amount of retirement, many factors are taken into account: gender, age, health status, life situation, such as the loss of the breadwinner, work experience, and so on. Deployed information on the rules of design, accrual and pension payments is on official website Pension Fund of Russia.


Russian legislation provides cash payments to support families with children. Among them:

  • one-time payments at birth, as well as payments to women who have been taking into account pregnancy in women's consultation at an early term;
  • differentiated monthly child care allowance;
  • payments for lonely mothers, large parents, etc.

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Separate enterprises and organization support their employees of social payments. These include: a day off, payments to employees who have fallen under the reduction of staff, surrenders to state pensions, a variety of compensation and benefits, financial assistance, etc.


Registration of this or that social payment provides for the collection of the necessary package of documents, checking them on authenticity and truthfulness, calculations and direct accrual.

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