How to arrange a social mortgage

How to arrange a social mortgage

The poor citizens have the right to a social mortgage - a loan, some of which pays the state. This type of mortgage can only be obtained by those people who do not have their own apartment or one residing accounts for no more than 12 sq.m.

If you have the right to a social mortgage, the state compensates for you 50% of cash on loan payment. To make this mortgage, collect a package of required documents. The list is large enough. Prepare copies of passports, the birth certificates of all minors, a copy of the marriage of (or its termination), as well as a wage certificate for the last year. Contact EGRN and ask to issue a document on adult family members. There must be specified that you do not own any housing.

Visit the district administration at the place of residence. Employees must provide you with a complete consultation on a social loan and help to understand everything. They will also help you make exemplary calculations on the first payment, deadlines and size of the loan, the magnitude of constant payments and the required minimum wage. You will be asked to write a statement, which must sign all family members who have reached the eighteen. Within two weeks (on working days), civil servants will consider your statement. If everything goes successfully, you will be given a special help.

) After that, proceed to the selection of the apartment. According to the legislation, you can choose an object whose size is not more than 18 sq.m. For each living. If you are going to live one, you can get the size of no more than 36 sq.m. The excess of these standards is allowed to 9 sq.m. You can choose the room in the municipal house, which was built by the state. In this case, you will receive public housing on credit at a reduced price. You can also start building your own home or choose any object you like.

Correctly plan-family-budget

Within two months after accepting a positive decision, the administration should give you a subsidy. When this happens, contact the bank and find out about all the conditions of obtaining a loan. Collect the required documents and provide them with the bank. Most likely, you will be asked to provide a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL. If you are the owner of the business, provide an accounting balance, income statement and all constituent documents. An individual entrepreneur needs to bring a certificate of registration.

Each financial organization has its own requirements for the package of mandatory documents and deadlines for making a decision on the issuance of a loan. Ask about this from consultants. Some banks are ready to provide a loan in a few weeks, and some in a few hours. If necessary, consider several offers of different banks and select the most suitable.

When you find a suitable financial organization and get approval for the issuance of a loan, take the documents to the administration. They should explore employees. If everything goes successfully and the administration will approve the documents, enter into a contract of sale and agreement on the transfer of the sum of money. When it is transferred to the owner's account, you can begin the process of registration of ownership of the acquired housing.

Now you know how to get and arrange a social mortgage. Try to seriously take advantage of the required references. Administration staff may find fault with any little things, so before feeding carefully check each of the documents.

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