It is not possible to find one's own housing for personal funds. The growth of inflation, high prices and the absence of savings leads to the fact that the only solution to the acquisition of real estate will be a mortgage. Mortgage loan is a kind of property pledge (when it remains at the borrower), which can be obtained on the guarantee of the borrower or acquired housing (this property is various land or water sites, buildings, structures and unfinished construction objects). Credits from Sberbank are most attractive from the point of view of security, guarantees, favorable conditions and calculations.
First of all before you take a mortgage, decide on the amount of the loan. In order to more or less understand what you can count on how much of your salary, find mortgage Calculator Sberbank Request the desired amount of the loan by relying on your income data. On the site you can calculate the mortgage on the finished and under construction, country real estate, for military personnel and mortgage, taking into account maternal capital. An online calculator will accurately make all financial costs and interest on payments. Quick result according to data (although preliminary) you are guaranteed.
The payment of mortgages looks like heavy burden only at first glance. Yes, the first couple of years of payment will be heavy, but the sooner you take a mortgage loan, the faster you pay for it. With modern inflation growth, your payments will be noticeably less than at the very beginning of the mortgage.