How to take a mother's mortgage one

How to take a mother's mortgage one

Most people believe that it is almost unrealistic to take a mortgage of a single mother. In fact, this particular preferential category in society has the right to more favorable terms of special mortgage programs.

Not always a single mother brings up a child herself. Very often, the woman lives in a civil marriage with the father of the child (or another man), but according to the documents as a mother, self-raising children. If the official status of a single mother is confirmed, the woman has the full right to count on benefits, crossing the mortgage. There are specially designed programs, they differ in each city, so the mother should spend time and find it for itself the best option. Of course, there will have to collect many different references, but this eventually leads to obtaining the desired result, so it is worth it.

There are programs for single mothers with special conditions: the state pays most of the expenses on the loan. In some cities, on such a scheme, you can buy housing directly from the developer (this program is implemented, for example, in Moscow). Such social mortgage programs may provide for the payment of the initial contribution or interest on the loan (throughout its period of its action or some time). Detailed information on the existing mortgage social lending programs, preferential conditions for single mothers can be obtained in local governments.

If desired, a single mother has the right to take an ordinary mortgage loan in the bank without any prohibitions. Naturally, the Bank will carefully evaluate the financial situation of the borrower, because it is primarily interested in the fact of the timely repayment of the loan, and not the social status of the client. If the income of the mother's mother is stable, sufficient to fully repay the loan contribution, taking into account the current monthly expenses on the family, there should be no obstacles to the way to design a mortgage. If one's own income is missing, you can turn to relatives and ask them to act as a coacher, in which case their income will be taken into account when determining the maximum available loan amount. As a coacher, a guarantor can be taken into account and a civil husband (even if he lives separately).

You can try to find a special offer for single mother and directly among banking products. Sberbank, for example, offers a program of a social mortgage "Young Family". According to its conditions, a woman can count on a deferment of paying debt to three years if necessary. In addition, the interest rate on the loan is reduced to 10% in the event that there is a minor child in the family. Parents or other relatives of the mother of a single mother can act as an additional coacher.

For mortgage design, you need to prepare such a package of documents:

  • passport, copies of all his pages;
  • Inn, his copy;
  • certificate of divorce, its copy (if available);
  • certificate of the birth of a child (children), copies;
  • a document confirming labor employment, the financial condition of the borrower, coaches (labor book, certificate of income);
  • documents for purchased housing (certificate of registration of ownership, sales contract, an act of assessment, technical support).

Each bank has its own documentation packages, so the full list is better clarified in the department.

If you have decided on the bank, you can immediately carry documents and apply for a loan. If you have doubts, you can contact the AHML (agency for mortgage housing lending), where the primary analysis of the package of documents will be conducted, the list of partner banks will be offered, from which the borrower independently chooses like. Most often, the loan is issued for a period of 30 years, the interest rate is within 8.9 ... 12.7% per annum, the initial contribution is from 10%. Monthly payment must be no more than 45% of the total income.

Thus, an unstable financial situation may become the only obstacle to the mortgage mortgage for mother, lack of regular income. But even in such cases, you can attract relatives and take into account the cumulative income.

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