What you need to take a mortgage

What you need to take a mortgage

Many people dream of acquiring their own housing. In connection with the lack of savings, some of them turn to the bank and receive a cash flow. To get a mortgage, prepare a package of standard documents and familiarize yourself with the requirements of various banks.

To get a loan, you should be 21 years old. Note that some financial organizations do not issue loans for long term to persons over 50 years and higher. Before choosing a bank, think well, whether you will be able to pay payments in a timely manner. To do this, use a mortgage calculator. It is on the site of any official bank.

Specify the appropriate period for the loan payment, the amount of your monthly payment and the size of the credit funds you want to receive. After that, the system will issue you information on which you can determine how much the bank is ready to give you. You will also see a payment schedule and can determine whether you will be able to pay this amount.

Select a financial organization that will provide you with a mortgage. Consider the conditions of several banks. Each of them works on its own system, which does not always provide for early repayment of the mortgage. In addition, the amount of interest in different banks is significantly different. Find out all your questions about the credit inspector and tell me what you need to think. Talk to people who have already taken a mortgage - for sure they will be able to give you some recommendations.

You can do easier - provide preliminary statements in different banks online. Organizations will send you mortgage programs, and you will only have to compare them. When you decide on the choice, assemble the necessary documents. Prepare a passport, an employment contract, a certified copy of the Labor Book, a certificate of wages in the form of 2-NDFL over the past six months and insurance certificate.

It is worth noting that many banks provide a mortgage without documentary confirmation of income and employment. But in this case you will require a significant initial fee. If the bank agreed to give you a loan, proceed to finding suitable housing (if you have not done this yet). When you decide on the choice, prepare the following package of documents.

Give the creditor to the creditor of the Seller's certificate of ownership of the object, the report on its value, characteristic and room scheme, the certificate of the absence of arrests and the Seller's passport. The list of desirable documents for the provision is a diploma, a certificate of marriage, the birth of children, driver's license, a certificate of additional income or accumulated state, a military ID. In some cases, the Bank may ask other documents.

Be sure to evaluate housing - the bank must make sure that the property has a correct price. After receiving the loan within three months, you can conclude a sale agreement and enter a new apartment. Do not forget to pay debts in time, otherwise the financial organization will select an apartment from you.

Instead of a bank, you can refer to credit brokers that will not impose mortgage programs. Just tell them for what time you want to take a loan and name the amount of your monthly salary. A specialist will pick you up the most profitable lending option and assist in its refinancing.

Pay for your apartment is much more convenient than every month to give the same amount to someone else's person for the rental premises. Therefore, the increased demand for the mortgage today does not cause issues. But it is very important to soberly assess your capabilities and choose a profitable lending program.

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