What you need for mortgage

What you need for mortgage

Real estate prices are constantly growing, and to accumulate the necessary amount of money to buy an apartment or at home is far from everyone. Often, the mortgage becomes the only opportunity to purchase housing. About what is necessary for making a mortgage, read in this material.

There are several standard conditions, without complying with the mortgage will be problematic:

  • You must have a registration site or register.
  • Be sure to have a permanent job and confirmed income. If you get a "gray" salary, check with an employer if it can confirm its size by writing a certificate in free form. The experience in the last place of work should be more than six months.
  • Most banks make a request to the Bureau of Credit Stories. You may refuse if you have outless loans or you allowed violations and delay in payments.

Rate your financial opportunities. First, you will need to make an initial contribution. On average, it ranges from 15 to 20% of the cost of housing. Secondly, keep in mind that a mortgage payment will have to do a monthly and for several years. To calculate the approximate amount of payments, use a mortgage calculator.

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The next step is the choice of the bank. To do this, you can use one of the largest Russian portals. Banks.ru.. Go to the Banking Products section, select the Mortgage tab. Enter the parameters you are interested in: city, credit currency, type of housing, term, size of the initial contribution or interest rate. You will be offered a list of banks whose loans satisfy your conditions. From the search form you can go to the Bank's website, in the Customer Reviews section, or apply for a mortgage online.

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Prepare all documents in advance. As a rule, the Bank requires copies of a passport or identity card, marriage certificate, employment record. In addition, to confirm the income you need to provide a certificate of 2-NDFL or confirmation from the employer in free form. If you have a guarantor, then he needs to prepare a similar package of documents. A questionnaire or application for a mortgage can be downloaded on the website of the bank or take in the department by contacting the credit manager.

The application takes an average of seven to fourteen days. The security service can call you to work or home to make sure that the data specified. On average, the positive decision of the bank is valid for three to four months. During this time, you need to find the appropriate option. Some borrowers begin searching for an apartment simultaneously with the application. After the established period, the documents for the issuance of mortgages will have to be renovated.

After assessing the found housing, the Bank's legal service can be concluded. On the appointed day will need to drive up to the bank for signing the contract and make the initial contribution. After that, you can enter the purchased housing or do repair there.

Note that when making a mortgage, you will have to carry additional costs. These may be the Bank's Commission, evaluation costs, registration or insurance. Specialists are recommended to additionally consult with a realtor and a lawyer to check the cleanliness of the transaction. It is better not to save on these things to avoid problems with the housing acquired.




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