How to get a map of the Russian standard

How to get a map of the Russian standard

Having a bank card conveniently. No need to take care in advance so that in the wallet there were cash for payment. If suddenly, the need to make an expensive acquisition, a credit card comes to revenue. Get a bank credit card Russian standard is easier than simple.

Check an order on the map you can from the website of the bank Russian standard Following step-by-step instructions, you will need to specify information about yourself, including the name, passport number, date of birth, registration, telephone, email, the amount of income and the desired credit limit. Even the design of the future card you can choose yourself. The application will be analyzed by automatt in a few minutes. With a positive preliminary solution, specify a compartment in which you will take the card. Prepare confirmation documents that need to be present when receiving a map, because the data that you will specify in the online application are verified by the Bank's Security Service.


You can order a map in each branch of the bank. There, you fill in the questionnaire, and then expect a call to the bank employee. Approximately during the week a decision will be made on your application. Please note: if the amount of the requested limit is large, it will be necessary to provide a bank not only for income document, but also, for example, confirmation of property for real estate.

Another way is to call the bank to the number 8 800 200-6-200. Draw the data to the operator to request, they are similar to an online questionnaire, based on this, an employee will conclude a preliminary solution.

The chances of receiving the Map Russian standard are great, if the age of the client is from 25 to 65 years, there are constant income and regulation in the region of the Bank's location.

A few days later you will receive an SMS message about the card availability. Take it, as well as the PIN code to it in the bank specified previously. Upon receipt, you will need to present a passport. You also ask other documents confirming the data specified in the questionnaire.

If you have already brought the necessary documents to the bank, you can order the receipt of the card by the courier or by mail.

Now it remains to activate the map. If you pick it up in a bank, it is ready for use. In other cases, you need to call the bank from the mobile specified in the questionnaire, by phone 8 800 200-6-200 and call the operator the credit card and the access code issued with the card. You can also activate by requesting a balance on a map in a bank ATM.

Using the card limit, do not forget to repay debt on time. Preferentially, i.e. An interest-free repayment period from the Russian standard is 55 days. Initially, the credit amount is 45,000 rubles. With the active use of the card and timely replenishment of the consumed money, you can count on an increase in the limit in the future.

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