How to unlock a Russian standard bank card

How to unlock a Russian standard bank card

Map blocking is carried out for several reasons: unauthorized attempts with removal of funds, a signal from the card holder about the loss, a delay of payment or large debt. After eliminating trouble, you can unlock the card. There are several options.

Find a contract that was concluded when receiving a card. Carefully explore  requisites.

  If You live near the bank and you will not be difficult to contact the office, go to the consultant and apply for unlocking. Be sure to take a card, an agreement and a document certifying the person.

The passport

  Besides passport data, you will request a code word password that you specified when receiving a map. You can unlock on bodies. Hotline 800 200-6-200, if you have a contract and a card with you.

  If The situation turned out not in your favor. No on the hands of the contract and do not remember the secret word, then take the passport and go to the bank.

In advance, plan your time, because without the necessary documents, recovery can delay. Do not count on rapid activation of the card after eliminating the causes of the lock, you will need time for application processing by superior experts jar.

Russian-standard credit card

In order not to spend time in vain, refer to the hotline of the bank, explain the situation and get comprehensive information about the following actions to restore the activity of the card account.

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