How to unlock mobile bank Sberbank

How to unlock mobile bank Sberbank

The service "Mobile Bank" from Sberbank allows you to monitor costs, balance on the map and make payments. However, it can be blocked by your initiative, for non-payment for this service or other reasons. We will consider different options for blocking the "Mobile Bank" and the corresponding unlocking measures.

The service is blocked by you personally. For unlocking it is enough to send to the number 900 such an SMS: "Unlocking services 1111 9999". Instead of 1111, enter the last four digits of the Card with a locked service, and instead of 9999 - digital control information.

Read about how to identify digital control information on the card, you can here. Other possible combinations for unlocking:

  • 05;
  • Unlocking services;
  • Rasblokirovkauslug;
  • Unblockservice.

If you have entered the correct request, the answer will receive a message from the 900 number. It will be approximately: "MasterCard 1111: Enabled." If there are several cards with blocked services for each of them, the described operation will have to be carried out separately. You can receive information about the cards connected to the Sberbank service, by sending the message "Info" to number 900.

If the SMS commands did not give results, contact Sberbank Call: 8800-555-5550. Get ready to call the data of your passport and cards. Support specialists will remove the "manually" blocking.

Service blocked after appeals v service. support. Quicker total have to go v department jar and write statement on unlocking. At it is v aM necessary will call their Full name, passport data, room telephone, code word on mAP and her room.

Service disabled per non-payment. V it is case enough replenish balance cards, on which disabled « Mobile bank». Service itself enable across 1236 hours after replenishments bills. Note, what v case debt SMSinquiry on room 900 not worked.

If the situation with blocking for non-payment is repeated often, take advantage of the "economical" tariff. To do this, send an SMS "Economy 1111" to the number 900, where 1111 is the last four digits of the card number. Then confirm the transition, sent another message. The subscription fee for this package is missing, you only pay for each command sent by you, for example, the refinement of the balance. Connect the "Economic" tariff can also be in the Sberbank self-service device.

Service blocked on corporate mAP. V it is case resume action « Mobile jar» can only persons, specified v card and having powers connect or disable what kindor services on mAP this view.

The service is locked due to a change in the number attached to the phone card. In this case, the Mobile Bank will have to reconnect through the Sberbank Terminal or contact the Bank's Office with a passport and card.

You changed the operator while preserving the number. Even if the number remained the same, the bank system can erroneously determine the old operator and disconnect you from the "Mobile Bank". To eliminate misunderstanding, call support by phone 8-800-555-555-0 And specify which operator is specified in the service connection settings. In case of incomprehension of data, the bank employee will correct an error.

If you did not work one unlock option, try others. Some of them will necessarily help:

  • SMS request;
  • Call to the call center;
  • Settings in the self-service terminal;
  • Visit to the Bank's Department;
  • Question on the Sberbank website in the feedback form here.

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