How to connect online savings bank

How to connect online savings bank

Sberbank Online is not only payments, translations and more, and with a tangible personal energy savings, but also full control over the banking operations performed with the Sberbank's own card. Consider how to connect to it.

To begin with, the Sberbank Card lay down - for this, go to the nearest branch of Sberbank with identity documents, and at the same time sign a universal banking service agreement (FMB). Without these events, you will not be able to use the online Sberbank.


You will be asked to connect to the Mobile Bank SMS service so that you can not only receive information about all operations with the card, pay bills, translate funds, etc., but also have access to Sberbank ONL @ ENE. Do not hesitate to immediately learn from the Bank's employees, whether you have activated the service "Mobile Bank" so that you do not have to do it yourself. Article "How to connect a mobile bank Sberbank" - In case of need.

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Next, you can immediately, without leaving the institution, connect to Sberbank Ong @ Gri through an ATM. Insert the card into the device, go through the main menu in the "Internet service" section, print an identifier and password.

There is also an option to connect to the online service through a mobile phone, provided that the Mobile Bank service is already activated. Call customer assistance service - 8 (800) 555 55 50, explain the cause of the call and provide personal information. The operator will dictate the identification number for the record, and the password will come to SMS. Either you yourself send the word "password" by message to number 900. In a multiple card situation, specify the word "password ****", where the stars are the last digits of the card.

The last way to connect online Sberbank is directly through a web service. Go to "", Click "Register" - follow the site prompts.

Important! Do not trust your login and password to enter Sberbank online to unauthorized persons, and also try not to leave a cell phone with a connected mobile bank without supervision.

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